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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. no way!!! 4 days? we had this conversation the other day didnt we.....
  2. welcome!!! i went to wright state for a year for mechanical engineering.... that didnt last long though.
  3. e-flores

    Honda Fury

    WOW!!! beautiful, and i usually dont say that about cruisers.
  4. haha looks like paskey still has his too!!! that avatar is
  5. thats cool, i didnt know there was a black stig before the white stig.... but i guess you will have that every once in a while.
  6. Yeah I have seen this before in person I did some work for GE's aircraft engine division about two years ago and they have this big platform that they strap jet engienes to and they fire them up and run a jet engine dyno on all the new engines they build. But we were lucky enough to show up on tossing frozen chickens and turkeys into the jet engines test day!!!
  7. +1000 one day I want to walk into my garage and actually have to decide what car I want to drive for that certain situation and I am sure he has done that on more than one ocassion....
  8. e-flores


    poor golf karts!!!!
  9. +1 the thing looks like a freakin high school project....
  10. awesome!!! this site keeps getting better and better!
  11. yep it got here, we have like and inch and a half now:badgerrock:
  12. You guys suck!!! It's just freazing ballz outside and no snow here!!!!
  13. i could use some more smilies <- that one is getting pretty old... but other than that i LOVE this place!!! much better than all the other "professional" forums. you do a great job ben.
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