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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. i still have no idea what i am doing for turkey day, i know i am going to spend most of it with mom dad and sister but dont know where we are going or anything like that, we usually go to the grandparents house but they are out of town so we will see. should be an interesting thanksgiving.
  2. ok heres what i eant from life right about now, it needs to be april already, i need my bike sold, and thirdly i need to find the perfect trackbike..... until then im not gunna be truely happy
  3. cool cool i will send you the money when i get home.
  4. i will take one of the winter months, i am going to wait til it snows and get some pics
  5. nice what are you looking at getting right now? and i can help you out from there. and thanks for offering land to hunt, but i dont want to intrude on your five acres, if you had more land i would take you up on that offer for sure. but i will let you take care of your heard:D
  6. nice kill for sure, i have still yet to bag a buck:( but my time will come eventually i guess. and that big guy will just get bigger remember that, he has some wicked g2's and g3's but his body is still small. just pray that no one else targets him and you pick him up next year on the trailcam again because he is probably only a two and a halfer
  7. from what it sounds like from the first post wera was in charge of keeping all he money? the only money issue there could possible be is if putnam messed up with recieving payments etc.? i dont know i am going to keep my mouth shut though b/c i dont feel like reading 28 pages of b.s. and i did not have any part in the decision anyway, nor can i change any ones mind at this point.
  8. thank you twitch... i read the first page and got the jist of the whole thing and personally i think the whole situation is pure b.s. and people need to stop whining about little things. but it happens i guess.
  9. yeah, it all depends on how much money you are going to be willing to spend on a bow and hunting equip. you could go all out and buy a mathews or a hoyt and get it very well setup at target world(they have an excellent archery department as well if you have any questions concerning setup they are going to be the people to ask) for around a grand, or you could go low budget route and get a browning or a lower end parker and spend around 400-500 for a well setup bow. then spend another 150 on a nice tree stand/latter setup and you are pretty much ready to go. and stands are always on craigslist for dirt cheap as well. just make sure they are a name brand and do you research before buying a stand. remember you have to be chilllin in this things for at least 3 hours at a time and you dont want to be uncofortable or have any doubts as to whether or not the thing will hold you.
  10. if everything goes as planned i will be racing by the end of the year sometime. maybe run one of the rs event in july or aug. and do a full race event aug. sept. and yeah the fact that there is no mid-ohio or putnam is kinda crazy. i could understand mid-ohio because of the cost but no putnam?
  11. awesome!!! Ben I will see if my dad can print calendars tonight and give you a heads up asap. And I will see if any of the cincy or Dayton crew want to get together and purchase a month.
  12. :) yeah i figured someone would eventually notice..... i was going to put it in the sig pic, but i decided not to because of the time and effort. i may get around to it soon though.
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