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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. yeah i have never been disappointed with hidy honda, there has to be something wrong goin on there
  2. you guys need to shut your mouths and not remind me of such things....
  3. dibs on august... if i have my trackbike before this whole thing goes down... or i could just use the 06rr:D
  4. i know the key hole is one of my favorite places... then the esses, over the rise into the two rights, down through thunder valley, then through the kink into the carousel. then it all starts over again into turn 1. why did you have to remind me!!!!
  5. the flat fish knows how to use ms paint.... and can build his own dildo stool:D
  6. ........................ ma bad, to each his own
  7. not to diss your photographer but post editing is a huge factor nowadays and if you notice fusion brought out the lights and the color both w/o disturbing the background.
  8. i was thinking the same thing!!! i was like the bike looks way too dark:D but leave it to fusion to fix it
  9. or buy 600rr its a year newer and less miles:D
  10. there is a way to have fun and a way to be an attention whore, he is being an attention whore. his dancing, golfing, proposing, etc. is fine with me i think it is downright . but the way he treats his team, always has to be in the press, trying to make a name for himself, etc. is what makes him an attention whore. sorry i didnt really explain that all too well. but now i did:D
  11. if he was as chill on the football field as he was off the football field he would be an amazing player. but hes not, for some reason he wants all the attention on the playing field but he really doesnt care when hes out and about.
  12. go in and find zero, see if he can hook you up:D
  13. cool cool. i am not 100% sure if i can make it or not now but i will see. i did have my heart set on the 6th though.
  14. i have been saying this forever!!! there should be no reason i should be picking up the slack for anyone else in this country and there should be no reason someone else should be picking up mine(if that were the case). welcome to America the land of free enterprise, and i hate to say it but free enterprise does come with risk, if it didnt it wouldnt be free enterprise!!!
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