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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. sending this to my sister as we speak!!!
  2. Zero shattered his leg on a rhino;)
  3. why would you say such a thing?
  4. you know you could just suck it upand get it all done at once:D you really dont have to wait.
  5. nah i would rather you give me the straight up truth rather than b.s. and opinionated lies about why your brand of suit is better. i know you know what you are talking about and thank you for giving us your input.
  6. I want it!!! But I need to spend the money on a trackbike.... I need a trackbike before a pitbike priorities suck!!!
  7. yeah for some reason I am kinda hesitant on getting teknic, sidi, or motogp gear. When I watch the races it always seems the best stuff is dainese astars and the rstiachi stuff it always looks to hold up the best. The other brands look like someone took a machete to them after they have gone down but I have seen rossi stoner and lorenzo wearing there crashed leathers the next day.
  8. ben is right microsoft certified people are everywhere, i would get a specialized certification i.e. cisco or oracle and then go for the microsoft stuff as a fall back.
  9. i knida enjoy the distraction:D its not like i care about grades anyway.
  10. i know a few people that have just picked up the books and passed the na and the np without classes. but i would never be able to do it either. i took two years of classes for the na in high school and still didnt pass. but that was high school and i really didnt care, the teacher was hot and that was about the only reason i took the class......
  11. sell your pants and get a one piece!!!!
  12. yeah true story, and really you dont need the classes for something like a ccna. if you really want you can just buy the books and then go take the test.
  13. :lol: i didnt notice that one the first time
  14. fur....??? really? i was planning on making a pimpin fur seat for the rr but i guess i will have to hold off on that thought for a while.
  15. dang it!!! now i want to work at a toyota dealership!
  16. full leathers, gauntlets, boots, and helmet. and for inter and advanced you have to have a back protector.
  17. were you deprived of sarcasm as a kid?
  18. yeah i cant say that i wouldnt want one.
  19. looks very good def nice to see something different.
  20. glad to her they both were wearing helmets and i will be prating for the little guy.
  21. ummm... I don't plan on buying anything yet, I am probably going to set up the bike in order to sell her, and buy an 07-08 decently setup trackbike... But not 100% sure about that yet.
  22. looks like a good time nice pics.
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