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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. Well since you put it that way.... Time to go to the bank and pick up a 40g loan:D And I think I am going to head to some camera shops around here tonight to see what I do and don't like it seemed all of the reviews on the 40d were excelent I only saw one complaint about the camera and even at that it was something retarded like the input jacks being positives wrong? Everyone loves the baterylife as well which makes me happy and I have already seen the quality the camera is able to produce and it seems it is super versitile especially with lense options
  2. ebay stores, not from personal sales, no way. and the more i looked the more i found that the quality of the package deals were not up to snuff. the prices on the camera body though was still amazing. and jeremi, i dont care what kind of camera it is $40,000 is not equal to a camera but camera+bj could = $40,000:D
  3. ummmm.... hassleblad? $40,000??? what the heck!!! i really dont think there is that much of a difference from a $3,000 camera to a $40,000 dollar camera! oh and when i clicked on the item includes tab i was hoping it would say blow job!!!
  4. gotcha, easy to find used stuff is kinda a good thing! and low light shots produce some cool shots as well.
  5. are there any real complaints about nikon? because i keep hearing such good things about canon and it seems nikon get ignored? and i am going to have to go to the camera store and check some stuff out!
  6. I was looking at the 40D not gunna lie, but thanks for the info. There are actually a couple of packaged deals on ebay that were pretty nice but like you said I want to hold and test out the cameras. I was thinking of the xti as well, thanks fusion and recon!
  7. i have been looking to get a camera for a long time now, and not just some coolpix camera. i want to spend about 1g for everything, camera, lenses, case, memory cards, etc. i will be shooting alot of still shots but mostly action stuff, or racing events. what would be the best camera/lens setup for me considering i am a just starting out with this stuff. and will i need to spend more money? and what is your guys setup? and do you like it/could it be better?
  8. the only question I have is, why?
  9. alright, big thanks to ben, carrie, WHITEY(I still don't know the proper way to spell y-t but that's my interpretation of the name) and everyone else who keeps this site going. And yeah ohioriders is kinda a big deal nowadays. but I have met alot of you guys now and I can't say that I regret it either, everyone here knows how to have a good time, everyone is welcomed and no one is rejected. I have no complaints about the board whatsoever and I am glad I found this place. It has been amazing. And I don't know what else I would do at work either....
  10. congrats man, let me know if you are going to sell the thing i know a couple of interested buyers.
  11. So true. And I was at work when I heard about it and they keep playing his standup on the radio. Sad to hear.
  12. e-flores

    It's GONE!

    awsome man! I know how it feels I have not been able to ride for 2 weeks now b/c of a boxers fracture. No fun! I do have the advantage of having a slipnt that I can take off and do physical therapy stuff with instead of losing my strength so when this thing does come off permanently I will be ridding asap.
  13. i did ride with you guys while it was broken a couple of sundays ago.... i may try again but i doubt it.
  14. I am not exactly alowednto ride with a broken hand so I hope I get a excused pass from dustin.
  15. +1 the base does have some affect on the city still but not enough. One good thing about it being around though is that it will never leave.
  16. briliance!!! You got to be kidding me... Both sides are to blame there. How does the motocyclist not see flaming lights in an intesection, and most of all how does the cop not see a rider crossing the intersection. Siren on or not you still check traffic flow before you cross a red light.
  17. yep, the only major company left in Dayton was gm and they let go of the Dayton plant at the end of 09/begining of 2010. I workin the metal industry, I deliver and see alot of the machine shops etc. In the Dayton area and all of them are laying off people left and right because 90% of them deal with manufacturing parts for gm. Its no good.
  18. if you guys hit up sonic I will meet you there by auto. Its like 5 minutes from my house.
  19. um, I think that's the first time I have ever seen that smilie in use but I have to say its quite apropriate.
  20. i actually bought a nice hiking bag at the beginning or this season and it is working out just fine. it has a strap across the chest and the waist and those keep it from moving at all even in the tight twisties. good stuff i recommend one.
  21. wow this thread keeps getting better!
  22. e-flores

    Brett Farve

    I don't get it was chillin in the docs office for like and hour and a half and they had espn on and all they talked about was farve? Apparntly they don't have anything better to talk about, not even an olypic lineup for that matter! What the heck we are just going to ignore the greatest thing that happens in sports every four years to talk about a guy who should have been out of pro football 5 years ago.
  23. ahha!!! I pretty sure I just urinated on myself after seeing that picture!!! But I do love my iPhone, I am actually making this post from it right now. I drive all day and inbetween stops I will cruise the net for a while and keep myself entertained. But I do agree 190 a month for service is pretty stupid.
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