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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. cool cool i was just giving you the heads up just in case you wanted to set a different meeting place beforehand.
  2. hahaha that takes talent, and he may just be stuck in his truck for a while........
  3. alright, i think i am in for saturday. and we are going to have to have to find another place to eat, because bk is being remodeled as someone previously mentioned. i just drove by there today and there is no way it is going to be opened in two days.
  4. haha this is awesome, there have been so many new member threads that i have to make sure that I am not double welcomeing. oh welcome by the way
  5. I may be able to organize that! I can get some high quality cards super cheap!
  6. my problem was thinking that the pavement was going to support my bike for more than 5 minutes.... i park my bike in my driveway, go inside talk to my parents for a while go back outside to move the truck that was in the way of the garage and i see her laying on her side. it was a sad sad day.
  7. entourage=homo, its cool to see someone of his stature chillin at a bike night though. Would have been a better story if he would have just came and made it a point to hang out with the norms.
  8. Nice, just a quick ? though ben why announce random #'s like 1497? Not the 1500? Just want to know.... Its great seeing the site grow hardcore though, I have been trying to get a couple of people to join but for some reason they don't like the idea of having a biker community at there fingertips and they all complain about not being able to find people to ride with. I don't know?
  9. ahhhhahahahahahhaha!!!!!! i just got done listening to that cd today!!!!! :lol::lol:
  10. I either missed something or this thread is really that stupid.... but bagles not so much, toast on the other hand
  11. sounds like a plan but i am going to have a hard time making it on thursdays... but that doesnt matter much considering i probably will not be around for 90% of the rides anyway. awesome idea though!
  12. e-flores


    Welcome!!! And be safe! Take your time learning and never ride beyond what you are comfortable doing, a 600 is not much of a joke to be starting out on. But I can't tell you not to because I did the same thing. Just remember to take your time, take the msf, and go do a couple of trackdays and you will be set. have a good time out there!
  13. I may be there I doubt it though because I usdually work til 8 on saturdays. That and the fact that I will not be able to make it sunday..... But its all good I still wouldn't mind meeting a couple of you guys and tossing some bs around for a while.
  14. Aahhhh I love the white and orange its super pimp! Black and yellow was cool as well but its not everyday that you come across a white and orange gsxr. Good looking bike and just as a reminder you have a bike and you are never going to stop moding it until you sell it. So there is never a finished product.
  15. ?????? i am pretty sure red bull sponsors racing teams of all motorsports...... i would say red bull has a sponsorship rating of 10 to 1 over monster. waht you said doesnt make any sense at all. but its ok i say stupid stuff all the time as well. and john thats some pretty funny stuff.
  16. wow mclovin witht the quatar motherload!!!
  17. yeah queenbee drug this one up from the dead... i think she may be up for grave digger of the year award.
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