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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. :lol: yeah i definenately want to do that before i die
  2. yeah im not seeing it either....
  3. hey jerm you want to meet up beforehand and head to milford together?
  4. i think i am dislexic (i dont even know if i spelled that right:confused:) thanks for pointing out that i am a idiot.....
  5. aria, shoie, soumy, hjc, there are a few more but I would go with one of those. I would go with aria above all but that is just me, I love my aria!
  6. yep full face! and dont go buy a cheap helmet just because it is cheap and you can afford it, buy a nice helmet that you are going to be happy with for a long time.
  7. i only ride with my ipod if i am going to be alone and on a long ride, and that is even only on occasion.
  8. hahaha! I have never heard that one.... Not gunna lie. to bad he wasnt really joking about being an addict otherwise he would still be around.... But is anybody getting together tommorow night? Or has that one gone downhill?
  9. well agree to disagree magley
  10. im right in the middle so I have options. and nick I don't think I will be able to make it Sunday, but I am still trying.
  11. i dont think i can make it..... i have to work, but i may be able to get out of it i dont know.... what time is everyone meeting?
  12. i think they call that a map not a diagram......
  13. i can meet you guys at like 5:30 or six on wed! would you be up for this one golden?
  14. cool I will double check my mail but I am pretty sure I still havent recieved them, I will let you know if I find any
  15. I still don't have stickers..... I pmed you my address and I got nothin... If I could get me two in either white or silver preferably silved that would be awsome
  16. all that just so you don't have to wear a face shield? how stupid are people?
  17. e-flores


    i think i watched that about 25 times and i keep watching it and laughing!!!! migets wrestling was funny enough for me, and yet one sliding across his face for about 20 feet, just halarious!!!!
  18. The bike was first to! I like this girl already.
  19. welcome to the board!!! gotta love the STI! I want an 05 sooooooo bad!
  20. so are any of the Dayton guys running this one? I already requested off for work and I better not be ridding up to c-bus alone.
  21. the damage was done on the north end of main street, right where the speed limit on 73 changes from 35 to 55 and the welcome to springboro sign is, nothing even close to being significant though, my opinion is that it really didnt touch down it just came close to the ground.... Like I said nothing significant was done. But you know how the good old people of springboro are. And it was around 9:30
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