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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. yeah there have been a few companies out there that make similar products that do the same with the normal connector. its not really new apple found a way to make their own...
  2. i dont know ive read a few reports saying that apple was planning on implementing an input and kept running into technical difficulties that conflicted with the ipads design plans. aka looks over performance..... but we will soon find out i guess.
  3. still no solid input!!! but it is still pretty sweet! not gunna lie. i ant one i just cant justify buying a "computer" without inputs. im ordering a new macbook pro soon enough though.... that one has inputs
  4. you can go ahead and tell her she wants mine too..... the cbr that is.
  5. I could help you out with a really nice 06 600rr for a little over 4.... But that's all I gotz. And good luck in your search if you keep your eyes open you'll be hard pressed not to find someone selling something in your specification and price range.
  6. welcome!!! how much are you looking to spend on the new baby?
  7. awesome little plinking machine. i have one and its stupid accurate, last time i used mine i called out a headshot on a crow a little less than 50yrds away and no one believed that i could pull it off until the bird fell out of the tree and upon retrieval of the bird we noticed it was missing the whole left side of its face.....
  8. you can't argue with results I guess... I'm sorry if I have that many world championships I would think I would have the right to be smirky.... And I don't thinks he's smirky, the man just likes to have a good time, there were a few times in hid career where you could argue smirkyness, al la max biaggi but that guy belongs on a shelf labled womens personal cleaning products.....
  9. i agree in full, and ive read a couple of articles mentioning the listening to rossi instead of stoner thing. i would give it til around laguna or assen until ducati become a considerable force.
  10. its going to be interesting to see how much the two of them can develop a motorcycle together. i feel spies needs different things out of a bike than lorenzo does. their riding styles could clash or they could merge quite well. and i am also interested to see how well the both of them can develop a bike period. either of them have had experience developing a motogp bike without a well qualified teammate to lend a helping hand. this is one of the biggest things i am looking forward to seeing the first couple of rounds of the season. i wouldnt be so fast to pull the trigger on that one.... rossi hasnt been happy with the duc during both test. but they have both been in malaysia were the ducs dont always fly too high on the timesheets.
  11. It's Rossi we are talking about, but it's going to be tough... I'm with parks on this one I love dovi and I love simonchelli it's going to be a tough year if youre not midgets on honda's.... But I would rather have the drug addict midget over the robot....
  12. not to be a nascar hater or anything but there are plenty of kids his age out there who are more than capable of driving at that level, they are just not going into nascar. a good amount of kids his age are trying to make it into european gp series that will broaden their career opportunities instead of just sticking with nascar sanctioned racing. and last time i checked this kid named sebastian vettle just took home a formula world title at the ever so ripe age of 21......
  13. I went it yesterday, no sense in me riding to work. I live 4 minutes away so even if I rode here it would just be a tease.
  14. this is the best thing ive read all day.
  15. this is what i think it is, its more than likely not a stroke, because she is feeling fine. some peoples minds do crazy things when stressed, i know shes news reporter and all but maybe shes always been a little stressed when in front of a camera and never really showed it. stress plus a lack of sleep can do some pretty amazing things as well.
  16. I saw this earlier today... Felt bad at first then couldn't help myself and busted out laughing.
  17. Yes so do I. I need thirty grand...
  18. yeah theres nothing better than a burnt ti pipe... and a good amount of the mechanicals exposed
  19. in all honesty that should be it... i was really bored tonight...
  20. some more i know i will at least get one vote with this one.
  21. some of mine... im sure i will have a few more and i will not be voting for my own pics
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