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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. true but jade will be more than happy to fill your lungs with her fur thus death by suffocation. and personally i would rather be mauled to death, it would make me feel like more of a man, and more people would feel sorry for you. (i have been reading to many of yotas post)
  2. wow awesome!!! just awesome!!!
  3. so tomorrow looks like the day! full moon out and a perfect chilly 35deg. i set some fresh apples out for them to snack on in the morning as well!
  4. I would so pick him up if I had a house of my own.
  5. I so hope I have the money to do a couple of trackdays with you guys next year!!!
  6. Who needs to show their face at a sex shop and spend way too much money when you can stay at home and let you cell phone do the business?
  7. You know you can use your muzzy during regular gun season right?
  8. I will be out Tuesday morning at my grandpas. I have been bow hunting most if the season. I have seen 2 good size bucks but haven't had a bow shot at either. I am hoping they come out for gun season
  9. meh a miatas a chic car so i dont think she loses any... she may actually be in the positive with it.
  10. the only way i feel comfortable was if it were off the bike. there is a good amount of brush movement that would require certain angles and it would be tough for it to be on.
  11. very nice! i have a 50D and absolutely love how she's setup! i have played with my sisters xsi and not far off from what my 50D. i love the wheel setup on the xxD's and the menus are so easy to use.
  12. i havent spent a dime today... not gunna lie. and its not that i have been sitting on the couch or anything either. i went to lunch, the movies, and hanging out with some friends and have spent nothing. i am impressed with myself.
  13. This may be true but I have never handled a 1d or a d3
  14. Welcome!!! And don't change anything in your design that has to be the sexiest 03 I have ever seen. Oh btw if you need that swingarm stryped I would be more than happy to help.
  15. yeah, the controls are a big thing! i personally am not a huge fan of most of the brands controls, but it happens. find what works best for you.
  16. she's actually not to shabby either.
  17. It's a nikon and rfm I had no idea you worked for cord!? That was one of my favorite places in the world before the one in Dayton closed
  18. Have fun stuffing your faces!!!
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