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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. I'm surprised you expected it in the first place....
  2. funny you should say that, we actually have a church meeting in our living room... and a church has never been considered a building or a place to meet, a church has always been based on a group of people. and i do love the portable confession booth idea!
  3. so let me get this straight, you hate the "mega church" and all the little churches.... so whats your solution?
  4. ??? not to offend you buddy, but it would take more than just your tax $'s to pay for something like that....
  5. Alright let's sum things up here in my perspective. Yeah I'm a church kid, do I believe a church should be taxed? No, maybe a biased opinion but do I think the money I put twards the church should be used for mascarading a 50ft tall statue of Jesus that I may or may not have kicked a football or two trough, hell no. If you would rather be a group of materialistic jerks have at it but the money to build a halarity such as T.D. Jesus could have gone elsewhere to do better in this world and in our community in my opinion. I know this crap is happening many places in churches and it is disgusting but there are churches and people of the church that actually care about the people and our world and should that be punished by others actions? Secondly on the part of the "mega church" do I believe in them? To an extent.... I was just at one last weekend and yeah it's a bit overdone and yeah there is wasted money, yeah money that could go to better and more efficient causes. But a large group of people focused on one goal can get more acomplished than a smaller one. The church I was at last week participated in a toy drive and close to 6,000 people participated and close to half gave 3 or more gifts. I know this sounds like boasting but I am just giving an example. There is no way a church of a 200-300 could pull off such a thing.
  6. It's still donated money.... I don't see where you are going with this? Should toys for tots get taxed for their efforts? That's the same question you are asking about the church.... They are not suplying a service like you are.
  7. You might want to order a larger than life version because she os trollish in real life. She is barely hitting to five foot mark...
  8. that has to be one of the funniest things i have ever read!!! this is a folk tale not a GD oxiclean commercial! i love how he actually recieved a D- how the hell does that happen?
  9. ow that sucks big time! have you bought an inflatable doughnut yet?
  10. im not sure there were some issues with some members points systems and how they "earned" their points so that would be hard to figure out...
  11. Yes its true, the rep. has been permanently disabled from this point on in ohioriders history. The mods and admins have decided unanimously it would be best for the site in the long run for a few reasons. 1.This site has never had the intention of becoming a popularity contest, which is what we believe the rep system has turned us into. We are called ohioriders because we all live in, or around, the state of ohio. And yeah you guessed it we ride! Whether we have the intention of riding, have ridden for many years, or are still in the process of learning. Lately this site, for some, has been a place just to try and post ridiculous and out there junk in order to gain a few rep points. Either that or people are trying to one up each others post taking what started as a harmless joke into a blown out of proportion mess filling out our boards with nothing but clutter, once again in order to get some measly ole’ rep. 2.We have decided with popularity contest comes drama, which we all know this site needs less of. 3.We are a forum with all intentions of being centered on riding and riding in and around our community. Did we mention this already? The rep. system was a great way to figure out who you could go to for advice right off the bat especially for the newbs but now that we have the bar system that solves that problem and we don’t have a mess of things with members being overzealous trying to upgrade his/her status by posting random BS. I hope everyone understands our intentions and respects this motion. Our intention isn’t just to make our members upset by stealing your hard earned rep. points, we are making a better ohioriders and making this a better place for all. AND REP. MAY YOU REST IN PEACE!!! Thanks for your understanding!
  12. I must say I think all saints day is better than the original... But thts my opinion. I loved it!!!
  13. That would be a good call!!! I worked with a lady and her husband bought a tuno for track use and never drained the water for winter storage and that resulted in a cracked block he was a real happy guy when he got his bike out of winter storage that year!
  14. e-flores

    Deer Season

    they do have elk season in kentucky and they are becoming well populated in some areas there. so there is a good chance a few have swam across the river.
  15. Meh I really believe kimbo has a chance in the UFC, I know people are riding the popularity train with him and all but if he keeps his work ethic and actually works at it he will be a hard fighter to fight, especially if he works on his ground game. But there are a lot of ifs in that statement.
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