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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. hopefully him and his hand get along...
  2. if i were a pedestrian that lived in the city and these guys cut me off daily i would carry a half inch metal rod everyday to throw in their spokes!
  3. brilliant choice of music!
  4. that place looks beautiful i went to help build tire barriers there a couple of times and i so want to ride it!!!
  5. wow not sure what im supposed to say, other than some people need a life
  6. Yeah I figured I would catch some flack for that but the new hatches have grown on me. That and I need the room that a hatch offers.
  7. Try research in a 42ft long flat bed that's fun as hell!!! But the truck has a govener set at 70mph only downfall. And congrats if this goes down Jarvis I sooo want an sti. But it's probably going to be a while before I am in the financial state to buy one.... And it's probably going to be a new hatch.
  8. I don't know... I love the technologies we have now and all that fun stuff but growing up in the 50's would have been amazing as well. They were just different times. Both have their pro's and con's that's just life.
  9. I don't know... I love the technologies we have now and all that fun stuff but growing up in the 50's would have been amazing as well. They were just different times. Both have their pro's and con's that's just life.
  10. Welcome!!! And good luck with the build!
  11. I don't know about this. If they can make something light enough yeah perfect! But I think they are going to have a very hard time doing such a thing...
  12. ZING!!! Wasn't expecting that one, and yes I do recall that meeting and if I recall correctly you were the one who offered to take me home on the short bus. Were you not? Actually as I remember it correctly you even said that the drool off my chin would match the slobber that came off your tonge that was on the windows of the short bus... Sorry MJ I had to defend myself somehow.
  13. Wow I feel like a retard at a candy shop right now. My body is going every which way, I can't focus on anything, and on top of that there is drool running down my chin!
  14. It's a sad day... I really want one but if I bought it I would be in the same position as you either in jail or with broken bones/dead
  15. sounds like the N.G. is treating you right then
  16. amazing!!! and fully the reason i dont own a sumo.... i couldnt afford the piles and piles of tickets i would acquire.
  17. Nope the next level of squid power enables you to ride with even less carelessness and doing it with cold tires brakes and pavement. This guy is obviously working on stage three of his ultimate suidyness and that's the part where he makes the ultimate sacrifice in order to show he is a true dedicated squid.
  18. I have 2... And I'm not kidding!
  19. Congrats!! Glad to see you got the interwebz back!!!
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