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Posts posted by Cleaner

  1. The economy is where it is because too many unqualified people were being given mortgages that they never could afford.

    See the Clinton admins efforts to lower the standards of Fannie and Freddy

    See the Bush admins failed attempts to change these policies in 2003...attempts shot down by Barney Frank...

    whatever.... The bad mortgages were not the sole cause of that. Plus the economy was bad before the mortgages started to fail. But again... Doesn't matter.

  2. :rolleyes: yeah, your right....its punishing the rich and small business owners..

    Factcheck.org says less than 5% of small businesses will have an increase in taxes. But you guys can continue to believe the McPalin ticket propoganda if you'd like. You guys can hate on Obama and his policies all night. It wont help you feel better. You're still going to be pissed. No matter what myself or JRMMii will say will change your mind. Fact of the matter is that Obama... Barack H. Obama is going to be 44 and will have a library in Illinois named after him someday. This election is over and this thread is essentially over.

    Don't worry... Palin 2012 anyone?!?!?!?!? LOL.

  3. site specific examples of how low taxes caused 9 months worth of negative job growth and unemployment.

    I know of some terrible bank failures that caused some problems in our market. but what you stated makes no sense?

    Under the Bush administration job growth has not been that great. Under Bush he gave bigger tax breaks to the rich. According to the trickle down theory, job growth should have expanded. Some blame the fall of Silicon Valley, Clinton (because he got head in the Oval Office), others blame bad mortgages, ect. Regardless, low taxes for the upper crust has not equaled job growth and expansion.

  4. I for one am sick and tired of taking care of people who don't want to work for a freakin thing!!!

    This is why I made my statement regarding a tax break not being a handout. I thought you were making the anology that Obama's progessive tax plan would "take care" of people who didn't "want to work for a freakin thing."

  5. You know the rich are rich for a REASON people! They work for what they have!!!!!!!!!!! I for one am sick and tired of taking care of people who don't want to work for a freakin thing!!!

    Tax breaks for the middle class is NOT giving a handout.

  6. It wouldn't...

    But.. I think people may lose more jobs with Obama, since 'taxing the rich' seems to be one of his ideas, do people not realize we work for rich people, that's who owns the companies you and I work for, if their cost goes up (taxes) they are going to either reduce wages, or cut work force to keep their profits in line.

    Don't want to hijack Puttys thread but gotta respond. That was Bush's economic policy was and you see where that got us. The flip side to that arguement is that if the middle class gets more money they will buy stuff and therefore businesses will benefit. Just because rich people have their taxes increased a bit they're going to close up shop and take their ball and go home. You take $10 grand (just picked that number out of the air) from someone who makes $300 grand a year and their spending behavior does not change much. However, if you take $2 grand from someone who makes $20 grand a year and they will prolly change their behavior significantly.

    Not going to debate this here tonight though. Its irrlevent. Barack Obama is going to be number 44!!!!!!


  7. Who here thinks their life is actually going to get better once Obama is president? explain to me why and how?

    I do. Just a few off the top of my head:

    a) The world will see the US as a bit progressive and not arrogant and stupid. (It matters what they think because we can get more done internationally )

    b) An end to the war in sight. No more young kids getting killed for bullshit.

    c) Better healthcare. (maybe not this term but hopefully next)

    d) Improvement in race relations in America.

    e) Tax breaks for the middle class. (That's me.)

  8. Oh noes! Barack HUSSEIN Obama takes Ohio! :eek:

    I'm skeerd.


    LOL... Me too. I am about to cling to my guns and my religion. LOL

    PUTTY, I told you this thing would be a wrap before midnight. PA goes to Obama and its curtins. You knew it too but were just a bit nervous about calling it too soon.

  9. I heard there is a part of PA that's worse than Louisiana that could turn that state GOP.
    I'd disagree ... I'm thinking Pennsylvania will edge itself red by thinnest of margins. There are enough pissed off HRC supports who can swing the state ... thats why Palin has been hanging out there in the past few days.


    Nope. McPalin may have narrowed the lead but if Obama wins by 12 points or wins by 4 points, the 20 electorial votes still go to Obama. Biden is from Scranton, Hillary is from (near Scranton), PA went blue for Kerry, its not raining there, and its mainly a blue collar state that has been crushed by Bush's White House. I haven't heard an expert, Dem or Repub that thinks PA is actually in play.

  10. Same problem in the Army, you desensitize someone to fear and alot can happen regardless of training.

    I agree with you Rob. I think you are right about this one. You teach a guy to relax when he's getting shot at and convience him that he could die at any moment, going fast is probably considered "child's play" to them. They figure "hey, I could be sent to war any day and get my head blown off over there, what's wrong with a little speed once and again."

  11. QUANTICO, Virginia (CNN) -- Motorcycle accidents have killed more Marines in the past 12 months than enemy fire in Iraq, a rate that's so alarming it has prompted top brass to call a meeting to address the issue, officials say.

    Twenty-five Marines have died in motorcycle crashes since last November -- all but one of them involving sport bikes that can reach speeds of well over 100 mph, according to Marine officials. In that same period, 20 Marines have been killed in action in Iraq.

    The 25 deaths are the highest motorcycle death toll ever for the Marine Corps.

    Gen. James Amos, the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, told CNN that commanders are trying to drill down on what "we need to do to help our Marines survive on these sport bikes."

    "The Marines are very serious about it," he said. Watch these aren't your father's Harleys »

    Marine Gunnery Sgt. Art Tucker knows all too well about the dangers of sport bikes. An owner of a Kawasaki Ninja, Tucker has had two crashes, and the second one nearly killed him.

    "I sustained a broken collar bone, I tore the shoulder out of the socket, I tore three ligaments in the shoulder, the rotator cuff, I broke three vertebrae," said Tucker, a drill instructor for new officers.

    "The worst was a head injury I received: a bruised brain. And it caused hemorrhaging, and from that I had partial paralysis of the left leg, full paralysis of the left foot and toes, and that was for approximately six months."

    Amos said he and other top Marine officials will spend half the day Monday "focusing on nothing but motorcycle issues." The commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James Conway, and other senior leadership will attend the meeting at the Quantico, Virginia, Marine base, he said.

    About 18,000 of the nearly 200,000 Marines are believed to own motorcycles, Amos said.

    The Marines have taken some measures. The Marine Corps has had a long-standing policy for all Marines who ride motorcycles to take a mandatory basic riding course. More recently, it added a second training course specifically designed to train Marines who ride sport bikes.

    Any Marine caught riding, even on leave, without going through the training courses faces Marine Corps punishment, officials say.

    On a recent day at the Quantico training track, Marines whizzed by on their bikes.

    "I think the basic rider course has been great," said Cpl. Austin Oakley. "Here, they put you in situations you want to be weary of out in that open road."

    Oakley said he recently returned to the United States from Japan, and he immediately jumped at the chance to buy a sport bike. He said it's not uncommon for Marines to have motorcycle clubs within their units.

    "We'll go out on rides together. Fridays for lunchtime, we'll all meet up and go to lunch," Oakley said. "When I get on my motorcycle, it's me and the motorcycle. I don't need to go fast. I don't need to do anything like that. It's just being free."

    The rise in motorcycle deaths isn't confined to Marines. The Navy says it's had 33 deaths on motorcycles over the past 12 months -- a 65 percent jump from the previous time period. And authorities say motorcycle deaths have been a problem in the civilian world, too.

    Military officials say they're not sure why the deaths are on the rise. They initially believed the accidents might involve mostly young Marines and sailors around 18 or 19 years old. But Navy statistics show that five of the victims were 25, the most prevalent of any age involved in the crashes. And two 40-year-old sailors were killed in motorcycle crashes.

    Gen. Amos said the Marines have seen a similar trend.

    But he says the new training seems to be working: Of the 300 young men and women who have gone through the sport-bike course, only three have had accidents.

    The safety course instructors said some Marines who go through the training decide the sport bike is not for them.

    But even some Marines who've survived past crashes still want to ride again, even after they get the new training.

    "I enjoy it," said Tucker. "I can actually get on my motorcycle and ride, and it's just like if I were to do bowling or rock climbing or scuba diving. It's something for me. It relaxes me."

  12. Im not sure either? But does raise interesting debate, if your cant read the ballot... how is the vote valid?

    If you are going to require people to know how to read English in order to vote, you will disenfranchise the whole state of West Virginia.

  13. I'm sorry that you get so upset over a few words posted on a forum, but to be fair, I did post it in the "Off-Topic" section. If you don't like reading about anything other than motorcycles, you should probably not stray too far from the general forums.

    I call BULLSHIT on you JRMMiii... Source??? LOL

  14. Seriously I hope you die and go to hell! This is not a political forumn.Keep your fucking opinions to your self.You saw how out of hand this stuff got last time and you still decided to bring it up again.I will vote but I'm not going to tell you who for but I do hope Obama loses just to piss in your cheerios.

    I can't wait for JRMMii to post pages and pages of articles with citations to rebuff Rocky's comments. I don't know where or how he'll find articles but I'm sure he will. LOL

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