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Posts posted by Cleaner

  1. Ha, youre kidding right? They suck unless youre about 30 yards away. Most reliable, bust most inaccurate.

    Just like anything else, it depends on the manufacturer and the shooter. Some AKs are shit and are not accurate. Some AKs are made from good parts kits and are pretty accurate. I have a red-dot scope on my AK and can hit shit from very far away and I am not even a good shot. I have tight groupings at 50 plus yards away... easy.


  2. AK-47? AK-74? Or more than likely an SKS, since the rest are millitary only, and full auto.

    If it is one of the latter, ill through 400 bones at you for a full auto Ruskie rifle.

    Single shot accuracy is decent on these, and bursts are controllable with practice. Full auto streams can get a bit squirly though.

    If you get a full auto AK, I hope you have a federal license. Federal Prison has horrible food, so I am told and very grumpy roommates.

  3. I use an Oakley backpack (Oakley Icon Pack: http://oakley.com/pd/5040 ). Works okay, but kinda rides up on my back unless I have a heavy load in it.

    Which Bailey bag did you get? I like the looks of the Super Pro, but they're pretty proud of it for $150 or so.

    Yeah, I got the SuperPro. Its sweet as shit. It has a quick release. I just pull on one strap and it loosens up. I pull on a different strap and it tightens the bag. I also don't have to remove the entire bag in order to access the contents. I hated wearing a bag as I go into the CVS to buy something and having to remove my entire coat simply to put a soda in my bag. I ride to work a lot and take files from home to work so its worth it. Also, going to write it off on my taxes for that reason.

  4. For the longest time I used a regular backpack but got tired of it. It sat on my back just fine when riding but I HATED it when I stopped and had to get it off. I couldn't get it over my pads on my jacket without looking like the bag and I were fighting. So I would have to take off my entire jacket in order to remove the bag. Plus my bag Eddie Bauer was not waterproof. I don't get caught in the rain much but its a nice addition.

  5. Ya....ya, that is correct!

    I had heard that and experienced Sprint's shitty customer service for a while. But, about 5 months ago my phone was acting up a bit. The shortcut phone button was not working consistently. I took it into the Sprint store on Sawmill. I left the phone with them so they could fix it. I returned to pick up the phone and it still wasn't working. Five minutes later the woman came out with a new box and a new phone. The only thing she swapped out was the phone. I got to keep everything else including stylis, battery, case, charger etc.

  6. Not to be an ass or the hijack the thread, but you did notice there's a war going on, right? A war we started pre-emptively because our beliefs didn't coincide with their ex-leaders... 'Christians' are just as bad at forcing their beliefs and customs on other religions as other religions fight to have their beliefs be recognized by a predominantly Christian country.

    And, while I'm indifferent to where and who I purchase my chicken from - I'm not going to make a point to purchase Tyson), I think I agree with Fusion's line of thought. Although, I don't want to promote any religion over another - regardless of the religious affiliation of the employees - I don't know why they just don't give every employee a set number of 'Floating Holidays' that they can take as they see fit. Or, just tack on extra weeks of vacation for people to use as they see fit and offer NO holiday's off. Then no matter what deity you beleive in... you make your own choice to honor or not honor a religious holiday or any other holiday. If you don't believe in Memorial Day, or Independence Day, you should have the right to choose to take the day off and honor those holidays, or not.

    Trust me, the people that need to conform, will conform just because they'll end up being socially ostrasized if they don't do as everyone else does.

    Hi-Five brother! I couldn't have said it better myself.

  7. What is this world comming too. Bikes are for all types of people. Something so relaxing and enjoyable turns into a murder. "STUPID"

    After being a Mod for this site for a while now, it really doesn't surprise me that someone would kill someone else over a motorcycle disagreement. I could mention names and/or pull up old threads but that would simply stir the pot. But you get what I'm saying.

  8. Jagr.....go. Wait here is what i know(fact). For 450 anytime minutes and 5000 nights/weekends it's $69.99. You have to add $20.00 to that for unlimited text messaging. So that's $90 a month before tax....one line.

    I was in ATT for a very long time before going to Sprint cause GF and I were getting the 3g.....BUT Sprint offers us EVERYTHING 2000 family share for 129.99 a month...We get all they offer. I then get 27% off monthly for my job, so my bill is less than $100 a month for 2 phones w/ unlimited everything.

    I asked the ATT what they have to compare and he said he could do just that for about $189 a month for two 3Gs then add 17% my employee gives for ATT. I'd be a fool to get involved with ATT....plans are CRAP!!!

    +1... I was with Verizon but went to Sprint. Plans are WAY better than any other company. I too get unlmited data and texts and 500 anytime minutes with unlimted nights and weekends (begenning at 7 PM EST) for about $60 per month. That also includes insurance on my phone. I surf the net constantly on my phone so that stuff was important to me. With the exception of an occasional dropped call (about 1 every other week) I am happy with Sprint.

  9. Wow that is a stupid thing to kill someone over, give that guy the electric chair. no no, even better, make that guy tell the other persons family he killed their family member, then let the remaining family members end his life in whatever way they see fit.

    Especially since we all know that Mr. Tye is clearly wrong.... Actually, I inserted the part about the motorcycles. LOL. Everything else is taken from the ColumbusDispatch though.

  10. "Second man arrested after fatal fight at motorcycle club

    Tuesday, August 5, 2008 9:32 PM

    By Debbie Gebolys


    A second man has been arrested in connection with a fight just after midnight on Monday at a motorcycle club that resulted in the death of another man.

    Samuel Walker Jr., 40, of 4164 E. Mound St., turned himself into Columbus police at 10:20 a.m. today. He is charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of a 26-year-old man early yesterday.

    Jamil Johnson, 26, was killed in the parking lot of Toros Motorcycle Club, 574 E. 5th Ave. after Johnson argued with a Cincinnati man about a motorcycle. Donald Tye, 34, of Cincinnati, was charged with murder in Johnson's death on Monday.

    Johnson had lived on the North and South sides of Columbus, records show."

    Mr. Tye was alleging the '09 ZX-10 will be better than the '09 CBR 1k.

  11. Maybe just maybe there is a finite supply of oil and they "opec" countries are trying to "ration" out what they have so that they dont run out before they expect to.

    There is a finite supply of oil but no one on the planet is able to tell us if or when we will run out. Further, its still the companies making a determination of how much they should produce and at what price, etc. But I am not just ranting on the price of oil. I think $5 per gallon of oil is not such a bad idea. My problem, and the reason I posted the article, is that when we use our tax dollars to fund a war and they essentially have a money tree over there (oil reserves) they should fucking share a little and not be allowed to have a huge surplus. I don't care if they have a finite supply of oil or not. If we save your fucking country (whether we actually saved Iraq is an entirely different thread) you should give us a freaking coupon for a few quadrillion gallons of oil. ESPECIALLY if you have a $79 billion surplus (projected).

    That's like me renting a truck and movers and helping you move to a new apartment. I borrow money from my family to pay for said movers and truck. After all the hardship we finally get all of your shit moved and you give me a pat on my back and send me on my way. Meanwhile you have tons of cash and I owe a large debt to help you out.

    "The oil companies aren't just arbitrarily releasing and withholding the reserves - they're doing it to maximize profits based on those speculations and futures -" True Dat JRMii

    "But, asking for fiscal responsibility from this administration is like asking everyone to stop breathing oxygen. We were told the war would fund itself - and again, were lied to." Yuppers

    "I honestly don't blame the Iraqi gov't in the least - surplus or not." I agree with you there too. I am sure the Iraqi's are saying, "hey retards, I don't remember asking you guys to invade our country... You made this mess, YOU pay for it."

  12. JRMMii, you are missing smething. Btw, the gas issue is not the point of my post.. it is the war that we are paying for. But, to elaborate on the gas issue. Blaming the investers only works if you have a fixed supply. the oil companies have a variable supply. with relatively little cost to them, they could increase production. the cost of an additional gallon of oil is not that expensive. the companies can manipulate their "supply" in order to drive demand. its called Supply Side Economics. The investors do play a role, however. their purchasing and selling of oil futures sends the oil producers information that those companies use to determine how much to produce.

  13. Why arwsupposed to be pissed? Our gas prices are set by investors not oil companies. Besides we get the majority of our oil from Canada and Mexico, not the middle east

    We are fighting a war for their country and you and I get to foot the bill for it. Our soldiers get killed over there for the sake of democracy and you and I are paying for that shit. WE don't have a freaking budget surplus. WHY, because its funding the war. A war they're not paying for. What I am saying is that AT LEAST we could get some free petrol out of it while they're running around with their surplus.

    BTW, gas prices are not set by investors.

  14. Report: Iraq could have $79 billion budget surplus

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The Iraqi government could end this year with as much as a $79 billion cumulative budget surplus, based largely on ever-increasing oil revenues, congressional auditors say.

    A report by the Government Accountability Office made public Tuesday prompted renewed calls from senators that Baghdad pay more of the bill for its own reconstruction, which has been heavily supported with U.S. funds.

    The projected Iraq surplus, including unspent money from 2005 through 2008, has been building because of rising world oil prices, increasing Iraqi oil production, the government's inability to execute budgets for spending its money and persistent violence in the country, the GAO said.

    The report was requested by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., the chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    "The Iraqi government now has tens of billions of dollars at its disposal to fund large-scale reconstruction projects," Levin said in a statement. "It is inexcusable for U.S. taxpayers to continue to foot the bill for projects the Iraqis are fully capable of funding themselves."

    "It is time for the sovereign government of Iraq, using its revenues, expenditures and surpluses, to fully assume the responsibility to provide essential services and improve the quality of life for the Iraqi people," Warner said.

    The GAO said Iraq had an estimated cumulative budget surplus of about $29 billion from 2005 to 2007 and could have another surplus of up to $50 billion this year.

    The expected surplus could be lower if Iraq passes stalled legislation for a $22 billion supplemental budget for 2008 — and if the government then executes the budget.

    But the report noted oft-repeated factors holding the government back on its spending plans.

    "First ... (the) relative shortage of trained budgetary, procurement and other staff with the necessary technical skills as a factor limiting the Iraqi government's ability to plan and execute its capital spending," the GAO said, adding that a second problem is the government's weak accounting systems.

    "Third ... violence and sectarian strife remain major obstacles to developing Iraqi government capacity," it said.

    The report also estimated that this year Iraq could generate $67 billion to $79 billion in oil sales. Other U.S. officials previously had said they expected the oil windfall to be about $70 billion.

    "This substantial increase in revenues offers the Iraqi government the potential to better finance its own security and economic needs," the GAO said.

    Since 2005, the United States has funded a number of efforts to teach civilian and security ministries how to effectively execute their budgets.

    The efforts included programs to advise and help Iraqi government employees develop the skills to plan programs and to effectively deliver government services such as electricity, water and security.


    Wow, I can't believe this shit. Meanwhile gas is teetering around $4 per gallon. Like Chris Rock said, "if I robbed a Waffle House, I wouldn't be paying full price for waffles." (can't remember the exact qoute but it was something like that)

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