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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. yeah, the Kawi green kinda gave it away. Pretty good photochop though.
  2. if you guys head east or South, I could probably meet up. Or noth could work too. I usually ride about 4 or 5 hours on a good Saturday or Sunday. Don't go out of your way and change plans though. I just think it would be cool to meet some of you guys before winter. Hopefully NinjaNick rides better than he plays Disco Racer.
  3. where you guys headed??? Maybe you could meet up with some of us Columbus peeps.
  4. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    that sucks. I saw that the bracket was off when we were on 37. At least it was during the end of our ride.
  5. Don't know how you didn't kill him.
  6. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    Awesome group ride!!!! Had a blast. thanks to all who showed.
  7. I'm quite sure that Nike received the proper clearances to make this commercial. Cool commercial though.
  8. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    well, I started the thread so I,m not gonna bail on whomever might show. I'll be there.
  9. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    hope to see you there Zorro.
  10. What up!!! There is a ride scheduled for Saturday and one for Sunday if you wanna roll. Check the Columbus forum threads.
  11. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    I consider myself a pretty good rider. But I'm smart enough to know that there are plenty of women out there who can outride me.
  12. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    For Sunday's ride meet at the Marathon that is right next to QSL. 10 AM, we leave at 10:30. Route: 161 to Newark; 79 North to 36; take 36 East to 16 South to Coshocton... Have lunch/gas in Coshocton... Then take 541 West (it'll merge with 62) to 37. We'll sprint up 37 to 71. Then 71 back to QSL for wings if anyone is interested. This route seems like it can accomodate a large group and has a good mix of straights as well as curves. For those of you who have not done group rides here is a good link: http://www.ridemyown.com/articles/safety/handsignals.shtml As always, bring your license and registration. I don't plan on opening her all the way up but I will break the speed limit once or twice.
  13. If a guy/couple of guys on harleys did that shit to me, I doubt I would have the intentions to just speed away. A harley pulling next to you and blaring his pipes is one thing. Its another to play with safety and possibly injure me. Pulling the harley bike over to the side of the road was dengerous and stupid. BUT, I'm sure I would've taken a similar course of action. And I would hope that some of my friends who I ride with would've backed me in such an event.
  14. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    Ousley, if you're planning on making a Saturday ride it would probably be best to make a new post. People might get confused.
  15. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    Where is Mohican? Never been there.
  16. Pretty sweet. I wonder if terrorists are gonna try and set the Pacific Ocean on fire.
  17. dude, you always crack my shit up!!!
  18. Yo, Yo!! What city are you in?
  19. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    ummm, I don't mean to be a dick but.... I don't think you've ever ridden with me on one of my rides Flunder. I could be wrong though. But just for entertainment's sake, what routes are you "sick of"???
  20. I don't worry much about the pipe. That'll be gone within a week. The problem is going to be the turn signals. Yeah, you can get an aftermarket mirror but then where are you going to put the front signals? There is no place to put them on the fairings... You're gonna be looking at drilling the fairings or fucking glueing them on. Other than the signals, I think its an awesome looking bike. BUT the turn signals issue is a deal-breaker.
  21. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    I'll post a route on Friday. I'm gonna try and loop back to Columbus by 2:00 or 3:00.
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