I've been riding for a couple of years now and things have started to piss me off a bit. I'll list them: 1) Assholes who ride around with their helmet attached to the side of their bike. WTF!?!?! What are they planning on doing? Putting the helmet on WHEN they get into a crash. I saw some asshole riding down I-270 with the helmet attached to his bike. What's he saving the helmet for?!?!? When he gets on the "real" dangerous roads? <Note: this should not be confused with people who simply don't wear their helmet. If you don't want to wear a helmet, that's fine. But to ride while its attached to you're bike simply says, "I know I SHOULD be wearing a helmet and have in fact purchased one, but I just choose to be an asshole and not wear it at this moment." 2) The term "squid." Everyone was a begeinner at one point or another. Why do we have a separate term for motorcyclists. The term is pointless and was probably made up by someone who couldn't ride themselves but chose to distinguish himself from the "really poor" riders. 3) Waving... Now, if you're on a sportbike and I'm on a sportbike, I will make a reasonable effort to wave. We're all bike riders and you understand the risks involved when riding a sportbike. On cruisers etc., I generally wait to be waved at before I wave. Just so I don't look like a dumbass that is waving at people who are ignoring me. BUT, the past few weeks, people on SCOOTERS have been waiving at me. Like we're in the same click. NO NO NO... If you're on a fucking Vespa, keep both hands on the wheel or your fanny pack. I don't want to be responsible for you wrecking that thing. And BTW, we ain't riding the same type of machine so don't bother waving (even though I waive back when waved upon). Upgrade to a 250cc or 500cc and then we can roll together.