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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. Seriously 420Gixxer, don't let this kid get under your skin. Not worth it.
  2. Nice bike. I would buy it if I had the cash. Good luck with the sale to help the mom.
  3. ... so.... are you gonna have to shut down the site now?
  4. Meet at the Marathon next to QSL in Polaris at 8:00 PM.
  5. this thread is pointless... My "care level" has diminished to 0%.
  6. I've had a stressful week and need to go riding. Anyone planning on riding tomorrow night? I'm thinking sometime around 8ish until whenever. Nothing extreme or technical but I woundn't mind zipping through the city a bit. And if we can get rolling soon enough, maybe take a few twisties before it gets dark. Just a thought. Cleaner
  7. I've read lots of stuff that says you only need to change your oil once every 3 thousand miles at the soonest. And that oils at up to 5 thousand miles show little chemical defference. Anything sooner than 3 thousand miles is just throwing money away because 1 day old oil is chemically unchange at 3 thousand miles.
  8. Yeah, I'm kinda thinking that I will have to sit this one out. http://www.weather.com/outlook/recreation/outdoors/map/currentradar/43085?from=hrly_topnav_outdoors
  9. Dude, you're just mad because my oil is better than yours.
  10. Yeah, that's it... I'm a poser.
  11. http://www.break.com/index/dude-gets-bit-by-large-spider.html
  12. Even better than the $13.50 you spent on that hooker with dysentery a few years back?
  13. Wow, you got a chance to meet The Kentucky Kid huh Putty?!?!? I was all set to ride up there then my boy had a tempature of over 100. I'm sooo jealous!!!!!
  14. FYI, I went to Iron Pony and got the 10w50. Its awesome shit. I can feel my bike run with less vibration. The gear shifting is better and my bike stays a bit cooler too. It was $50, but I'll only be changing the oil once a year so I'm not too worried about it.
  15. Cleaner

    My Rant

    In your next one, include something regarding "Biker Back." Guys who ride with a t-shirt on and as they ride their shirt blows up their back.
  16. Cleaner


    Just when I thought I had seen it all... http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=879021&fr=&cache=1
  17. The French judge gave him a 7.5 because he didn't stick the landing
  18. Cleaner

    My Rant

    I have been out-done. Thanks Zack... That was the funniest shit I've read in about 3 months... I was totally LOL.
  19. Cleaner

    My Rant

    I've been riding for a couple of years now and things have started to piss me off a bit. I'll list them: 1) Assholes who ride around with their helmet attached to the side of their bike. WTF!?!?! What are they planning on doing? Putting the helmet on WHEN they get into a crash. I saw some asshole riding down I-270 with the helmet attached to his bike. What's he saving the helmet for?!?!? When he gets on the "real" dangerous roads? <Note: this should not be confused with people who simply don't wear their helmet. If you don't want to wear a helmet, that's fine. But to ride while its attached to you're bike simply says, "I know I SHOULD be wearing a helmet and have in fact purchased one, but I just choose to be an asshole and not wear it at this moment." 2) The term "squid." Everyone was a begeinner at one point or another. Why do we have a separate term for motorcyclists. The term is pointless and was probably made up by someone who couldn't ride themselves but chose to distinguish himself from the "really poor" riders. 3) Waving... Now, if you're on a sportbike and I'm on a sportbike, I will make a reasonable effort to wave. We're all bike riders and you understand the risks involved when riding a sportbike. On cruisers etc., I generally wait to be waved at before I wave. Just so I don't look like a dumbass that is waving at people who are ignoring me. BUT, the past few weeks, people on SCOOTERS have been waiving at me. Like we're in the same click. NO NO NO... If you're on a fucking Vespa, keep both hands on the wheel or your fanny pack. I don't want to be responsible for you wrecking that thing. And BTW, we ain't riding the same type of machine so don't bother waving (even though I waive back when waved upon). Upgrade to a 250cc or 500cc and then we can roll together.
  20. What time do you guys head back?
  21. A couple of guys I usually ride with head to Sonic, just east of Bexley. Its usually not too many people there and the burgers and shakes are pretty good and relatively cheap. Plus the jaunt there is a bit more fun than just going to the 7-11/Taco Bell. After shooting the shit there for a bit we sprint over to 7-11/Taco Bell. We hang there for a bit and then go back up to the north end.
  22. I definately need to blow off some steam. I'll be there. AND I'll be riding afterwards. Hopefully some folks will roll with me.
  23. She looks like that AND wants a rider?!?!?! Is she taking applications? I'm a decent rider.
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