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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. Sorry to hear about that man... Its always sad to hear another rider lose his life... Was the accident as a result of riding or was it some other sort of accident. I'm not asking for details, I'm just curious as to whether he was on a bike or not. Regardless, I wish his family and friends the best.
  2. Cleaner

    Ride on 9/16/07

    Anybody up for a ride on Sunday (9/16/07) ? I could be talked into going on Saturday the 15th but Sundays normally have less traffic and less cops. I'm thinking of a 10:00 AM meet with a 10:15 departure. Any takers???
  3. Cleaner

    Qs&l 9-12

    So that riders new to the site can meet up with people prior to going to QSL where it is mad crowded. If you are new to the site its gonna be hard to go QSL looking for the "dude with the blue '06 Gixxer and guy with the red and black CBR 1000." This way we can all meet up at the same location, go over together, and know where the group is parked.
  4. I noticed that too Ben. With those turn signals it looks fucking disgusting... Take them away and it looks like an awesome bike. It also looks a bit lighter(although looks is never a good indicator for weight).
  5. This silver R6 is the SHIT!!!! I wouldn't pay that much for a 6, but it sure is purty!!!!
  6. im going to start calling you Captain Insano!!! at 180 you are going 3 miles per minute. that's a mile every 20 seconds... that being the case, if a deer were in your lane one half mile ahead, you would only have ten seconds to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.
  7. Chill out dudes. a) the cops surf the net for kiddy porn and other important shit. they don't surf for possible speeding tickets. b) its not like the trek time and departure would be posted prior to launch. c) it would take no time to edit out the personal info prior to the you tube post. d) no one is even serious about doing this. relax peoples
  8. Fireman, NinjaNick isn't worried about speed. Me either... I see cornfields and think "cushin." Lets set up a ride so you can make a video.
  9. The Officer is probably counting on "natural selection" to take its course. Run that course enough, somebody is gonna get a boo-boo. Cop could've been figuring that if you guys are booking at 150+ mph at 1 AM, then its doubtful you'd stop simply for some red and blue lights. BUT, it looks like Satan and Putty are in... Schedule that SHIT!!! I'll ride in my suv and bring a video camera so we can sell that shit on the net.
  10. I wanted to get a Gixxer but it seems as though everyone has a Gixxer. But your Gixxer is BADASS dude.... I'm totally digging that paint job.
  11. I've ridden all of the 2006 models with the exception of a zx10 on the street. all with stock parts. Ridden them very hard on the street. I could tell the difference in them all. Some things I agreed with the reporters about and some things I did not. That being said none of those bikes were set specifically for me. If they were then any difference may have been minimized. But as they were I could tell differences ON THE STREET. So for you to say that's not true is kind of offensive to me. BUT if you are saying with the proper tweeks I wouldn't know the difference or any difference is nominal I would say you are probably right. Enough about this silly back and forth though. My original point is that the R1s is the sweetest looking bike out. If they come out with a silver one I may have to have it.
  12. you are right... all the bikes feel exactly the same. I can't tell the difference between an R1 and a CBR and a ZX10. they are all the same except for the fairings. None of us primative riders can tell the difference... Only riding experts such as yourself. Thank god those things come in different colors or I'd end up buying the wrong brand... OH and BTW Im interested as to how you THINK you know about my riding ability or what bikes I've ridden.
  13. i hpoe its this one... the other one is FUGLY...
  14. .... But then I came across this and then this Not sure which one is the real deal and which one is the "first draft."
  15. Looks to radical of a design change to me. Plus the tank and upper bodywork looks just like the R1... I say this is the '08 CBR 1k... http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=5506
  16. the fact that all your boys can outride me on my literbike while on their 125s or 250s or 50s is not the point. the point is I can tell the difference in what I like and don't like and all the crap I mentioned above. the fact I can barely keep up with Zorro is not the point. If I rode an R1 I'd be even slower. That's my point.
  17. I don't think that's true. I can tell if a bike handles better at 100+ mph than another bike does at 100+ mph. I don't need to be on a track for that. I can tell if a bike has sucky brakes without being on a track. I can tell if a bike feels "heavy" without being on a track. I can tell if the wind screen provides little/no protection without being on a track. I can tell if a bike has better mid-range acceleration without being on a track. And I can tell if a bike still feels comfortable after 2 hours of riding without being on a track. Not saying that these are the shortcomings of the R1 but I AM saying that I don't need to be on a track to tell these things.
  18. Sounds like it COULD be fun. But $50 a person will not compensate for a 1) Reckless Operations charge, 2) 6 points on the license, 3) possibly going to jail, 4) getting the bike towed..... And then there's the possibility of crashing while going 160 mph on I-70 that could leave a mark.
  19. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/motorcycle_recalls/49/2006/yamaha/yzf_r1/58233.html But I'm not gonna start the "my bike company is better than your bike company" talk. Its a never ending debate that will never be settled. I don't think Yamas perform well... My opinion. The experts in the mags and on the net feel the same way. That's their opinion.
  20. I agree. The R1s, year after year, are sweet looking machines. I'm just waiting for the performance to catch up with its looks and I'm sold.
  21. well.... how do I say this??? Well Ben, Ethiopians are not allowed to complain about the food they get.
  22. Cleaner

    My Rant

    I'm dying to know.
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