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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. wow... Sounds like a good story there. Too bad I missed it.
  2. Wasn't able to make it this time. Please let us know next time he's in town because I'd really like to have it done.
  3. Sorry I can't make it. Good luck with the ride.
  4. Nice rolling with you guys today. That shit was fun. When we were on I-71 I swear that my spidey-sense started tingling, that's the only reason why I slowed down just seconds before seeing that cop.
  5. I plan to be up there at the BP... Make sure you get all of that DNA off of you before you go riding.
  6. Gotta love those Euro commercials.
  7. I'm game for riding on Friday.
  8. Cleaner

    Quaker 5/23.....

    Okay, the one near Steak n Shake. Got it. I'm gonna try and make it there by seven.
  9. Cleaner

    Quaker 5/23.....

    Putty, which Shell?
  10. Happens sometimes when you're trying to quickly read forums while at work.
  11. Yeah, I was there too. I guess coordination is not our best asset. Cleaner
  12. Thanks for the advice CBR Rider. I've been doing those things. I use the staggered stance too. I can get it up easy in first by rolling on the power. I clutch in second and its not a problem getting it up. I'm just trying not to bite off more than I can chew. So each time I go out and clutch it up in second it comes a bit higher and higher. I'm sure I'll get to bp soon enough. I am trying to power it up in third with the left foot on the passanger peg. I can only get it off the ground a few inches. Not sure if its my speed (50-60) or I'm not getting enough bounce, etc. That's why I'm looking for some stunters to roll with so I can see what they're doing.
  13. I may be there... Depending on the time.
  14. Thanks for the Hinds suggestion Flunder. Hopefully that helps. That may have been me you saw Superhawk...lol. I can ride 1 wheel pretty good though. Its the standups that are giving me fits at the moment.
  15. I'm usually on Riverside. So if you see a guy on a silver CBR 1000 yanking and trying to bounce the front end (and fill with glee once the front end comes up 5 inches) that's probably me. (I head over to the parking lots sometimes too though)
  16. Anyone here in Columbus do standup wheelies? I've been trying here for a couple of weeks and can only get my front end up about a foot. And that only happens 1 out of 10 tries. I would like to go riding with someone who knows what they're doing so I can watch and learn. Let me know if you'd be willing to help a rookie stunter out. Cleaner
  17. Cleaner

    Well . .

    time to invest in that new digital camera
  18. Cleaner

    Honda bikes?

    Did you get any shipping insurance or anything?
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