Don't usually help people sell their bikes because we are trying to sell our own. However a customer(also a friend) bought this bike off of us last summer and is now upgrading to a liter bike. He needs more than what we can put into it so I thought I would put it up here for him since I don't think he is a member. Bike is super clean, maroon and black, has a Bazzaz box, a Two Brothers exhaust, powdercoated rearsets, and an aftermarket seat. Bike has a new chain and has been geared. Bike has about 12k mile on it, but you would never know it. This guy is OCD about things being clean. Looking to get about $6200 which is less than you will find one anywhere near this clean on Cycle Trader. If you are interested, text me and I get you his number. 614-266-9494