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Posts posted by 35RFTW

  1. I thought it couldn't hurt to post it hear as well.

    Economy is down, as is business. We need 10 more sales on the month. Who wants a good deal on a bike? If you goto our website and you see something you like, call me directly. You will not deal with any sales people, no long drawn out negotiations, quick and easy. I will give you the best price upfront. I hope to hear from you guys soon. Feel free to call me anytime. We have helmets in stock now to by the way.Thanks!

  2. Economy is down, as is business. We need 15 for sales on the month. Who wants a good deal on a bike? If you goto our website and you see something you like, call me directly.

    What a neat idea to offer deals to OR members! I'm in the market for a dual sport...I understand you guys work primarily with used bikes...I'm not too picky about the year or miles as long as it's in good running order etc. I'll check out the site and hopefully get back to you, but in the meantime if you have any suggestions I'm certainly wide open!

    I will keep my eye out for you. We do not currently have any in stock, but we do come across them from time to time. Feel free to stop by and check out the rest of the bikes we have in stock.

  3. That is one of my favorite bikes we have. We actually built it a year ago and the guy who bought it from us just traded it in on a 2007 GSXR1000 yellow and silver with us. Your insurance might not be as bad as you think. Probably somehwere in the $120-$150/month range.

  4. not trying to be an ass but you need someone to go through and proof read. i read about 5 adds and found 4 mistakes in spelling alone.. youll get more business if your website is perfect. turns ppl off to see stuff like that.

    Please try not to be an ass somewhere else please. This does not have anything to do with us trying to give people on Ohio Riders deals on motorcycles or with this thread. I am all for constructive criticism, just this in not the place. Can we get back to the sale?

  5. Sorry to hear about the hard times. I wish I could afford an upgrade right now. Good prices too :(

    I appreciate the good prices comment. For whoever is shopping from Ohio Riders, they are going to get an even better price. This is an attempt to sell out some old inventory and free up some floor space. So if you are out there looking for a bike or you know someone who is looking for a bike, please do not hesitate to give ME a call.

  6. Economy is down, as is business. We need 15 for sales on the month. Who wants a good deal on a bike? If you goto our website and you see something you like, call me directly. You will not deal with any sales people, no long drawn out negotiations, quick and easy. I will give you the best price upfront. I hope to hear from you guys soon. Feel free to call me anytime. We have helmets in stock now to by the way.Thanks!

  7. Please lock this thread. Sponsor or not this cycle search guy is a moron.It took him seven days to respond and then when he does its useless rambiling.

    I am sorry I am not able to jump at the call of bashing on the internet:confused:. I have a business to run here. What makes me a moron? Me taking a firm stance defending the company? My guess is you have never had a position that required you to do such a thing or not enough pride in your company or what you do to take up for it in a bad situation.

    This situation is over, let's move on. To anyone who is looking for a bike, we have them. Currently there are about 25 bikes schedule to go though the inspection process to get them to the Rebuilt title status. This means cheap ready to go bikes for everyone. All of our sale prices will go away at the end of this month, but the Ohio Rider discount will still be available to those who would like to use it. We are also going to start carrying a good bit of helmets in stock. Brands will be between HJC, Joe Rocket, and Icon. We might even stock a couple Carbon Fiber helmets. I am looking forward to more people coming by the dealership. The seaon will be starting soon!

  8. Don't you have something better to do? I thought you weren't going to post about this again? Why would I reply or contact your business considering the email I got from the sales person? Would you like to see the email that was sent to me? It was bordering on harassment! Leave me alone! :beathorse:

    No need to show it to me, I have it right here. PLEASE show me harassment. What you have been doing is harassment. Here it is for everyone.

    "Dear Ms. Hamilton:

    I tried to contact you by phone to apologize for offending you in anyway. I as an eastcoast naval veteran motorcyclist can be pretty dumb and obnoxious some of the time. As a motorcyclist for 37 years,I never would forgive myself for offending you about motorcycling or anything else. Thanks for the opportunity of getting to present some motorcycles to you for your approval. Our competition at HINDS has never gotten high marks from any of our customers, so we are surprised, that our repartee' with you was unsatisfactory. You as an OHIO RIDER are entitled to better service and a motorcyclist as well. I endeavor to make business happen beyond the mediocre. I will try harder to earn your business.


    Mitchell W. Wallace

    Sales Associate

    Cycle Search Int



    Taken directly from the e-mail. Said it before, we want everyone to be happy. I was done talking about this until it was brought up again in this thread.

  9. Cycle Search continues to belittle the customer......

    Asking for insite as to how you can be pleased is belittling you? I am asking for your guidence on how to resolve all of this. This will be my last post on this thread. IF you decide you would like to give Cycle Search a chance to make it up to you, PM me.

  10. hmmmm, a threat to make the deal or I will trash you on the internet.

    The plot thickens.

    If that is the case, super uncool and makes her look like an dumba$$.

    No one seems to care that she threatened bashing without even a chance at redemption.

    I have stayed quiet for too long. I can't believe that Cycle Search continues to try to defend themselves on this forum. A business with more sense doesn't continue to belittle a customer...nor continue to argue on a "public forum"...they try to make things right personally. They go out of their way to do anything to rectify the situation. If I were the owner of that company...I would have both of those men in my office first thing Monday morning. The posts have made that company continue to look bad! I am sure that people will think twice before buying a bike from them.

    At this point, I don't even want an apology from that man. I think that both have them have belittled me in person and on this forum. The only apology I would ever accept would be from the owner of the company. Too bad I was told that I couldn't talk to the owner because ..."he doesn't talk to the customers." Cycle Search would have to do some serious a$$ kissing to EVER get my business back... or the business of any of my friends. I hope they have learned from this situation. They should take all of their customers serious, not make jokes about the things they say, and not laugh at their concerns.

    Thank you fellow Ohio Riders for your support. Never feel bad for standing up for what you think is right.

    Still yet no sign of any way we can make it up to her. I have heard the following:

    1. You guys just need to think about how you are going to make it up to me.

    2. I am going to go on Ohio Riders and rip you a new one.

    3. Cycle Search is going to do some major a$$ kissing to ever get my business.

    I have said numerous times and I will say it again. Tell me what I can do to rectify the situation. You have yet to answer that question. I want to make things right, but you are not helping me out here. Also remember, you brought it to the open forum, not me.

    Also to lizard, 450 units is quite a bit for a dealer with only 9 employees wouldn't you agree?

  11. Few things I am taking from this.

    1) PLEASE DO NOT FLAME ME - How is this a chauvinistic thing? You are implying by the thread that they were disrespecting you because you were a girl. Where in any of the story was that shown? Could it be they are just idiots and act like idiots all the time? I just feel a little compelled to say they might not deserve you implying it was because you were a girl...

    Now, onto CS...

    1) Mitch is an idiot. He needs either fired or put into the wash bay to clean bikes. He has called to apologized, the owner is on a public forum apologizing for Mitch's actions and in doing so, confirms that Mitch was wrong and went overboard. This is something that needs to be addressed and taken care of. There are PLENTY of good salesman and women out there that can act professionally and avoid the pitfalls that many inexperienced sales people fall into.

    Did Mitch go wrong, yes. Is Mitch an idiot? No. We have about 450 individual motorcycle sales last year. A good bit of them he was involve in, and I have not heard a single peep of people feeling disrespected, or discriminated against. He is a good sales guy, but can't be blamed for not meeting 100% of everyone's expectations. No one is perfect. No sales person especially.

    2) The OTD comment is so freakin' out of hand that I laughed and wondered how a shop can even make it sound like it is a joke. In today's market, there are a LOT of hidden fees. There are GREAT deals being advertised only to come and find out that the total price out the door was almost twice the amount advertised. Sure, Doc fees and license fees and tax are to be included, but it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to understand that those fees shouldn't be the same amount as the unit price. OTD questions are legit and should be responded to in a manner that makes sense. The ONLY additional amounts that can be added to an actual OTD price is based on insurance, warranty, etc. You can give them an OTD price and it should include unit cost, set-up and shipping (BS fees), Doc and related fees, and tax. That's pretty basic and easy to get to a customer asking a price. You can then inform them that fees can be in addition to the OTD if they choose the warranty, insurance, etc.

    You making light of this and allowing your employees to not understand it is not something that should be tolerated by yourself and especially the customers.

    This is note. We do toleratte. it. Something we do daily. I also explained why we try not to talk out the door when negotiating. The customer (you or anyone else) has not been properly explained options of a service contract or any other back end product that may be available as well. If we give an out the door price and then you want a service contract, then it is going to change.

    3) 4) I'd avoid coming onto a public site and apologizing. In doing so, you are admitting guilt and admitting wrong doing occurred. That looks bad to potential customers. I think the chauvinistic comments are unfair, but I think the way you treated the customer was wrong. Now, with you coming on and essentially saying you did do these things and that the employees were doing what she stated and yet you seemingly think it was taken out of context is not good for business. Do it all side bar and off line. It's better for you and the business as a whole.

    This point I can't agree with more. The OP decided that she did not want to attempt to give Cycle Search a chance to work it out with her. She actually threatened with bringing it on the board. I actually believe if I would have gave her the deal she was looking for, I wouldn't be typing here today. Maybe it would have mattered, maybe it wouldn't have. Either way, I did appologize and Mitch has made attempts to call her as he will continue until she answers.

    Here are the facts:

    1. She came in and had a bad experience.

    2. Mitch definately went overboard with the joking

    3. Both Cycle Search as a buisness and Mitch appologize.

    4. We cannot fix something when we are not given the oppurtunity to do so.


  12. I wasn't aware that "out the door" was regional slang either until this afternoon when I was informed otherwise. I have heard it used in Cincinnati, Columbus, and Las Vegas motorcycle dealerships where I have personally purchased bikes. I guess it's a big region they were referring to? It was news to me.

    Given the joke was not well played, it is not easy to laugh about it now. However we have been discussing lately about how many people are always asking for the "Out The Door" price when there are other things that need to be brought to your attention prior to giving the OTD price. There are options. Service contract? Salvage inspection service? ECT... Some things taxed, others not. The regionality comment comes just from Mitch's previous experience in PA. Does not mean the term is exempt from being used anywhere else, but it has been uncommonly common here lately. Just a joke though.

  13. Funny that he didn't leave a message. The only two phone calls I missed, while watching my daughter at gymnastics, were from a number that I couldn't even call back. It came up..... 740-614 yup..that's it! You probably didn't sense there was a problem because we were so much in shock with what had occurred. Oh well... your loss..not mine!

    That is just one example of what number would come up if we called. Our phone setup is not ideal in that it doesn't not properly display our number. No matter, Mitch tried to call you, he will try again on Tuesday. :)

  14. This is a word of caution to all you Ohio Riders, especially females! I went to Cycle Search in Delaware for the first time today. Let's just say that it wasn't the best experience! (Read the whole thing for some good entertainment!)

    I was higly interested in a GSX600 and finally got around to talking about a price. The sales person, Mitch Wallace, had me go from one ghetto building to another. On the way, in a freezing ass alley, I asked him about the price. He basically stopped in the middle of the alley, threw his hands up, and told me "DON'T DO THIS HERE!". He said this in a very stern and scolding way! My friend and I both thought, "What the hell did we do wrong?" He proceded to scold us and headed us to the second ghetto building.

    I let him know what I was willing to pay and chose a catch phrase that he truly enjoyed. "Out the Door" This prompted him to act like a highschooler and yell it across the room to his coworker. They kept calling it back and forth to each other over a dozen times! Now...you would think that a joke would get boring after a while? Nope! This kept going on... through the whole coversation about the bike! Even when he left to track down someone else...the joke continued with his coworker. My friend and I were totally humiliated! We both just wanted to get up and leave! Who the hell....trying to sell a bike....makes fun of the customer??? This male chauvinistic pig didn't take us seriously and continued to act like we were not worthy of being there!

    This really doesn't stop here! As an Ohio Rider, I was aware of the discount members get, so I had brought that up at one point. The closeout price happened to be better than the OR discount, so no biggie. But wait, here comes Mitch to work some more of his magic. Mitch made it out like I was being given a special "club" price... The price that I was given for the bike was the actual closeout price that was on the website! He made it out to sound as if the price they had brought it down to was due to the OR discount, when in fact, it was just the standard closeout price ANYBODY could walk in and get.! He couldn't even do anything with the price! What a bunch of shit! (My friend actually checked it on her web cell phone and it was the same price!) We left feeling inferior and taken advantage of! Do they truly want to sell a bike?

    After I left, I eventually called back to speak with the manager...... I let him know that he needed to make this right... While on the phone with him.....I had to question if he was "laughing"!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!...... SERIOUSLY! He asked me how he could make it right... I thought a good discount or something?? "A SPECIAL PRICE?" NOPE...Nothing! He basically couldn't figure anything out! I didn't even get an apology from the sales person!

    My suggestion to you is..... AVOID CYCLE SEARCH... especially if you are a female! I guess we females are not worthy of riding a bike! Help me out fellow riders! Let karma come back to bite them! :) ----I already have some tricks up my sleeve to get them back!

    If a worker from Cycle Search sees this.... give me a damn discount and an apology!

    Wow...lots said in that. Now that you have managed to speak you part, I will speak ours.

    1. Mitch's last intention is to insult or humiliate you or any customer that walks through the door.

    2. I spoke to you and your friend prior to you leaving, and at no time did I sense there was a problem. Nor did you mention there being a problem.

    3. When you called in after leaving, I did apologize for his behavior, and went into explaining why he did not want to talk numbers in the "freezing ass alley". We stive to put things down on paper when talking numbers.

    4. The banter about the "out the door" "regional slang" as you call it was nothing more than a joke, possibly overdone, but a joke non the less. Both Mitch and Jason(coworker) both felt that it was an understood joke.

    5. The close out deals are just that. The satandard OR discount is 5% off retail price, which I explained to you. The $4000 + tax and fees is in fact less than what the retail price we had on that bike($4995) minus the OR discount($249.75). I also mentioned that the closeout prices are it, that bike in particular we would have made an amazing $221 on. Does anyone think we had more room to move on this? I didn't.

    6. You would have recieved a phone call from Mitch appologizing to you for todays events given you would have answered the phone in the three times he called you.

    To finish up here, when you called, I asked you how I could rectify the situation. You said "you just needed to think about it yourself and come up with something", and had nothing to add. I always aim for customer satisfaction. I am truely sorry that you had a bad experience, but after reading this, I doubt anything I would try to do for you would result in you changing your mind. So you will recieve your appology, and my offer of $4000 + tax and fees is still available to you. For the other potential female customers out there, you can also check with Ananda (SchmuckGirl) on here in relation to an experience with our shop. We sold her a GS500 before she upgraded to her GSXR. I would be willing to bet that her thoughts would greatly differ from what you have read here today. I look forward to seeing more girls make it by the shop!

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