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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. A little birdie told me that no one knew it was you!
  2. Speedy, when you are at B&T on 57, you're literally 4 minutes from my house.
  3. I'm sooo wonely....I'm soo wonely.....
  4. I see what you guys did there. I wasn't even at QSL last night..so I'm not sure who you are all referring to.
  5. ^ What he said. The person who had the bike before could of jammed the max amount of air in there...not a good thing. Always a good idea to check your pressure before riding. Get one of those tiny pressure gauges and keep it on the bike.
  6. Your profile picture is seriously distracting. I'm staring at it while at work, and I don't give a fuck who sees.
  7. ^ sounds like something that would get played on 107.9
  8. Never been to Nelson..but I've heard the track is mad bumpy. Is it as bad as people say? Like on a scale from 1, being heat rash, to 10, being raging herpes?
  9. Tires look good tread wise. Maybe his chicken is still cooking? Tire brand and air pressure please.
  10. HEY..almost forgot. I don't know what the LEO presence on the road is like now, but this morning on the way to an appointment and then to work, there was LEO EVERYWHERE..from 90 to 71, I saw cops in cars and on bikes. The ones on bikes stand in a blind spot on the highway with the gun in his hand..very hard to see...so by the time you see him it's too late. Just FYI...anyone on the highway today might want to keep it under 150.
  11. Let's milk this until ...oh ..say ...5pm when I leave Strongsville. EDIT: We're milking the thread...for clarity's sake.
  12. What's your tire pressure at? Normally I would say 'cold tires' but I have no idea how you hit those corners and the condition of the road surface. Could be you just ran over something oily.
  13. ^ The internet is full of win today
  14. I hope no one is paying attention to my internet usage today. Very entertaining. Oh wait..I'm the internet guy.
  15. ..hello...Child services? Yes..I'd like to report a baby being dragged down the street. No...the baby is on the back of a bike. ...Yes...strapped to the back of the bike and the guy in front is doing a wheelie down 57. The baby's head is dragging on the concrete..slowly disappearing like an eraser. .. Yes..I'll hold. Kennedy's in Elyria..motorcycle dealership. Free food till....6:30 I think?!?
  16. Sheffield isn't as big as VV....but VV can be so busy that it's a PITA. The sport bikes are in the back. You can't see them from the front..you need to go around the building. Don't worry about not knowing anyone. Just look for me, I'm 5'3" with blond hair ...I'm from Sweeden.
  17. Or straight up into your face. I have a Chatter box, and with a Muzzy M10 full system on my 06 I had no problems. You just need to set the sensitivity properly. Having said that..I haven't used the damn thing on any of my Ohio rides. All the guys in MI had them and it's when riding with DSB or KA...but not so much here.
  18. Well the stunters leave at 8..so if you get there around that time and don't see me/us, just wait a while...depending if I ride along to see the show. I hoping it's a good turn out since the weather is good..but I haven't been there in a long while so I don't know what it's been like lately.
  19. Anyone wanna tackle this...or just let it ride?
  20. Never mind. Found it. I don't qualify..been too long since I was discharged.
  21. ..ok...did not know this. Former military is exempt from the class?
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