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Everything posted by Speed

  1. Speed

    Ride for a Cure

    Benefit Ride for The American Cancer Society May 14, 2011 I heard about this from a friend - don't know much about it other than this link: http://cyclescuringcancer.com/?page_id=28
  2. Speed


    Post sooo derailed. Make your own post if you want to talk about fast food dog food. Don't be such a sheep. Couple of links: http://www.truecarnivores.com/whatvetssay.shtml http://www.truthaboutpetfood.com/
  3. Speed


    Actually, it's kibble fed dogs that have the huge smelly piles.
  4. Speed


    Haha - no, my dog is a dog (has AKC papers not that it matters), not a wild hybrid (illegal). Raw diets are for pretty much any dog - I know people with chihuahus, jack russels, poodles, dalmations, pugs, boxers, etc.
  5. Speed


    A raw diet provides a range of benefits that commercial dog food can never hope match. I'm still learning about it, but I can send you some info if you're interested. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it illegal to sell venison in OH ? I know it can be donated or given away for free. Or you can buy it from a deer farmer - but I'm looking to stay away from commercially processed sources. I've never hunted so it'd take me quite a while to become competent enough to catch my own.
  6. Speed


    So I bought a pup over the summer and she is fed a raw diet. I picked up about 6 deer frames and a couple of barrels of scrap trim from a processor and bagged it up and shared it with some friends who also feed their dogs a raw diet. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a processor or other source for venison.
  7. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833320038&cm_re=asus_rt_n16-_-33-320-038-_-Product flash it with tomato or dd-wrt and you'll have wireless network usb printing, plus 1 extra usb port accessible over the network.
  8. This is what they'll do. 'Play' with a dog or whatever and lure it out for their pack to kill. Bad idea to let any dog play with one. OR sent an auto email about getting people to come back last week
  9. Nice Ohio geography knowledge... lulz Centerville, Ohio is a city in Montgomery and Greene Counties in the U.S. state of Ohio. Centerville, Ohio may also refer to: * Centerville, Gallia County, Ohio - population 134 (2000) * Centerville, Clinton County, Ohio or Lees Creek
  10. http://www.clipupload.com/clip/showphoto.php/photo/6665/si/painting ps - which button do I click to embed it ?
  11. Oh yea - on topic... You could do the Iron Horse trail in Centerville. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5777+terrace+park,+45429&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=49.310476,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=5777+Terrace+Park+Dr,+Dayton,+Montgomery,+Ohio+45429&ll=39.658385,-84.136981&spn=0.002949,0.004823&t=h&z=18
  12. Invite for the next adventure plz !
  13. Doing good. Been busy busy busy. How the hell have you been ?

  14. I have a front D207 if someone needs it.
  15. Ok - if you bring the 2-stroke:coffee:
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