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Status Updates posted by PrincessPratt

  1. get the tickets sucka!!!!

  2. Haven't seen you on much lately BUT I've been hit or miss here myself. How ya been Brian?

  3. Grrrrr....can't read that link at work b/c it says it's an advertisement!

  4. THANK YOU SIR! U da Man!!!!

  5. Thanks for the help last night! Hope you got some sleep. You and Justin left quite late. I even missed church this morning cuz I couldn't get my tired butt out of bed. :)

  6. Hey you sexy man beast!!!!!

  7. So happy birthday! I got you in the nick of time. :)

  8. Turn your phone on...I'm trying to call you!!!!! :)

  9. Hey Nick thanks for all the rep you push my way! It sure helps cancel out the big naysayer on the board! You rock!!!

  10. Sorry nick about last post darn iPhone. Anyhoo was attempting to write.....I'll hit u up later about my track experience. Really don't want to read any more drama from little boy snuck seeing he's got some anger issues. I swear people can b the biggest pricks online. Guess that what happens when ur manhood is in question in real life. LOL but thanks 4 having my back. U rock!

  11. KEVIN!!! So excited you might be up there!!!! I still need to call u to catch up. And from the look of your posts you have happy news for me in the love dept. :)

  12. Oh and thanks for the help on Saturday!

  13. Brian!!!! I have peeps to go with me to Mid Ohio now! Woot! Maybe then I can feel confident enough to ride with you again!

  14. Yes it has worked out! Maybe I should be more optimistic! :) Now you're off the hook. You missed out on a GOOD dinner last night. The pork loin was FABULOUS! Matt was over and was very happy to eat your portions. LOL.

  15. I wasn't mad Nick. Everyone thinks I'm a bitch/crazy woman on here anyway. I give up on attempting to change everyone's opinions of me. I've decided nobody on here pays my bills and has nothing to do with my ultimate purpose in life thus I'm going to stick with my motto....Frankley my dear I don't give a damn. hehe.

    In all seriousness though people do talk and kevin has an off again/on again GF and she's absolutely wonderful. Wouldn't want people to get the wrong picture. If you ever meet Kev you'll see that he's the type of person that would take the shirt off his back for a perfect stranger. Plus he's NEVER once judged me for anything anyone else has said about me. That's why I'm loyal to him as a friend.

  16. Yo Nick why u trying to start rumors about a guy and me that happens to be 12 years younger than me. Beer is NO excuse butthead!!!! :)

  17. I see u made it on here Shawn! I had to take a second look to see whose bike this was. Good to have u on here1

  18. Chris I want my deck started this coming week/weekend. Just let me know if you can accomodate that so I can look for someone else if not. Thanks.

  19. yes I did. I went out with him last night! i got a great estimate from 85 lumber!!! When can u start on the deck???

  20. Ok so first I was in LOVE with your sig and NOW ur avatar!!!! I'm loving it!!!

  21. Hahaha...that's cool!! He's putting a deck on my house in the next few weeks too!!! I'm so excited I cannot wait. He told me about the entertainment center and it sounds pretty sweet! I LOVE doing home stuff! :))

    Give me a shout if you're out the next nice weekend day! I hardly have any girls to ride with.

  22. Well what happened? I don't have your number right now b/c my lap top cord died on me and my phone did a hard reset this morning! ARG!!! What did u decide kevin?

  23. Oh and did u find anything else out about ur situation?

  24. I bought the helmet Kev!!!! I'm so excited. I've never had a nice helmet before. The ending price was $545. That even included shipping!!! Now this helmet has to last me a lifetime!

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