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Status Updates posted by PrincessPratt

  1. What couldn't find any women that didn't want your body or no desire to get some new clothes? Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. Ummm did you find someone that's not a FWB to help you clothes shop? :)

  3. maybe we can talk this weekend?

  4. Thought u were going to bed? You fib! ;)

  5. I have tons of stuff going on in my life that I'm trying to sort through Jeff.

  6. Be safe today bud and have TONS OF FUN!

  7. You going to that party tomorrow night that Yota invited us to on FB?

  8. I think Jenny Selby and I are gonna head up to the last QSL bike night this Wednesday. Do you have to work? :)

  9. Coming to BWR on Thursday with us?

  10. Coming to BWR on Thursday with us?

  11. Coming to BWR on Thursday?

  12. You coming to BWR on thursday with us?

  13. You coming to BWR with us on Thursday?

  14. You coming to BWR with us all thursday?

  15. You coming to BWR thursday with us?

  16. You'll DO me? Now that sounds kinda kinky sir! :lol:

  17. Did u see the post right behind yours for the halloween costume? After that situation I told you about the other day my mom thought is would be so funny if I went as the deranged mental patient.

  18. Had GREAT time with you tonight Jeff! Thanks for hangin with us all! :)

  19. Had GREAT time with you tonight Kev! See that's NOT a facebook update! :) Hugs....

  20. Hey Chris! Do you know anything about HVAC? I have my gas logs in my fireplace but I need them hooked up. I'm nervous to do it myself. I'm sure with someone that knows what they're doing it would only take 5 or 10 minutes. Can you do that for me anytime this week if you know how???? :)

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