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Everything posted by EagleCock

  1. keep the leo and sell the 2 bros
  2. lanolin? like sheep's wool?
  3. doh! I'd still give away the blue visor...
  4. that thread was pretty fucking awesome and I'm proud to say that I read every post before it went away
  5. ...ah yes...wedded bliss
  6. nice write up Fonz (as always). sounds like it was a fun trip @ 700 miles! I know my ass couldn't handle that heal up quickly Kyle and good luck with repair
  7. and I thought I liked to party. here is pic from mo's car
  8. jesus christ man. I don't even have the patience to reply if you're going to copy and paste some shit out of a motorcycle SAFETY class
  9. tankslapper is not a wobble. your BRC class won't cover anything but the basics of riding and low speed manuvering. true tankslappr is when the bike's bars are shaking and cannot be controlled
  10. have fun this weekend man p.s. don't crash
  11. it makes perfect sense...if you keep your head level, it's like you're not even leaning! that guy is slow and rides a gay green bike
  12. if you get the x-11 I have 2 shields that you can have(if I can find them). 1 is blue tint and 1 is smoke
  13. http://10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2009/06/18/story_clarett.html?sid=102 he might as well just write a letter that says: Gov. Strickland, Please release me from jail since I won the national championship for the ohio state university in 2002. Love, Mo Clarett
  14. jess must have logged off for a few mins since she was taking pics...right???
  15. MJ is right about 1 thing...I should call my girlfriend and get some
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