The 04 cobra, orange with black stripes, belong to the BIGGEST TOOLBAG EVER named Jaron. Had the faggetity black/orange striped Boxter. I am sure has car is nowhere near the "alcohol supercharger twin turbo nitroused" trans am he had. I have every intention of wearing that car out this year, as I have never seen a bigger chicken that him. It was years ago when his reputation started, When he claimed his 9 second trans am would decimate all, and he was called out by a 12 second buick on charter street, and, like a scalded dog, he ducked out with his tail between his legs to never return. What a coward.
After all that, he started being the nut swinger of Joe marasco, the guy with the E55 mercedes on spray.
Jaron is a toolbag, and if he said it, I can promise you its a lie.
About where he got his 500rwhp cobra #s, ask him where he got that figure. I'll bet it was an out-of-state dyno that doesnt exist.