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Everything posted by Nick

  1. They are discontinuing Comp T/a drag radials, and renaming them "g-force BFG DRAG RADIALS " I hope they remain the same, and its just a name change.
  2. Nick

    this friday in dublin

    That the attitude. Let me know the cure for Herpes, as I will market that and never have to work again. I don't suppose you have a bottle of penicillian do you? tongue.gif
  3. Nick

    this friday in dublin

    This coming from CR's "ballin ass mofo with all the ladies" Sam, at your rate, the next post will be "what is this rash"
  4. Was just wasting my time reading the "this friday in dublin" post, and it occured to me, I remember some familiar situation. Who remembers the "bi-turbo" RX-7? Yes, the one that had to be push started. Post here if you were there.
  5. Nick

    this friday in dublin

    Gee, you guys are right, no car can do 120mph in 2nd gear. Looks like its time to get rid of the powerglides, as they are worthless..... Anyways, this is dumb. The fact that you would waste your time to see what this kid doesnt have lets me know what kid of lives you live. Have any of you ever put up $500 for a street race before?
  6. Here kitty kitty kitty......
  7. Ahh, when you say "I do", it usually means "I don't anymore"
  8. Nick

    I'm ready

    Buy a late model Fuel Injected 600, and dont look back. Suzuki Gsx-R, Yamaha R6, Honda F4i, or kawasaki 636. the Gixxer seems to be the most sought after, as It was bike of the year in 01 and 02. But dont let me sway that decision. Soon as i buy another house I'm getting another Gsx-r 1000.
  9. The 04 cobra, orange with black stripes, belong to the BIGGEST TOOLBAG EVER named Jaron. Had the faggetity black/orange striped Boxter. I am sure has car is nowhere near the "alcohol supercharger twin turbo nitroused" trans am he had. I have every intention of wearing that car out this year, as I have never seen a bigger chicken that him. It was years ago when his reputation started, When he claimed his 9 second trans am would decimate all, and he was called out by a 12 second buick on charter street, and, like a scalded dog, he ducked out with his tail between his legs to never return. What a coward. After all that, he started being the nut swinger of Joe marasco, the guy with the E55 mercedes on spray. Jaron is a toolbag, and if he said it, I can promise you its a lie. About where he got his 500rwhp cobra #s, ask him where he got that figure. I'll bet it was an out-of-state dyno that doesnt exist.
  10. Get in touch with me - you know my position.
  11. I have one. Unfortunately, I am in miami right now. I will be back May 6, or if you REALLY need it I can have my GF arrange to get it to you. Its used, but in perfect shape. $20 and it belongs to you. Nick 946-8052
  12. V6 mustang police chase Click the link in the left if it doesnt play
  13. Amy, I have a set of 15x 3.5 with 165/15s, and 15x8 with good 26x10.5 ET streets on them. All lug nuts and caps. Interested in a trade? I want your wheels on my car.
  14. Them meat curtains look like roast beef
  15. Some superchargers have oil lines. There are some self contained units that require an oil change. And there are some that dont have any oil in them at all.
  16. Metzler sportecs are the win. I have the rennsport on the back of mine though. Should have got a 180 for the rear, better turn in. Bike looks great, you've got alot of money in that thing. I'm up for some twistie racing. As long as you are ok with a 600 going around you.
  17. With the bird that gets smacked by the hood? Heres the "sportka" video. web page
  18. Cams are hard to turn when the timing chain is still hooked up! J/K. You ever get those piston Specs for me yet?
  19. Hey - can you also modify speedometers for tire/gear changes?
  20. My brother has the Premier model, and it does the same thing. At night, its fucking annoying, i just hit the button that lets the face drop. I think, maybe, with the radio off, if you hold the "FUNC" ( function) button for a few seconds, you get a menu that you can scroll through. Not sure, but worth a try.
  21. The dome override twice only works on GMs made after October 1999.
  22. Yes, those sneaky bastards wait for you to go by and clock you from behind. I rode a stand-up wheelie right by a perry township cop hiding back there. They gotta catch you to write you.......
  23. You need to have 9.90 mike come and tune it. he can take the dremel tool and make it bigger for you. Good to see you got that thing back together and running again. Just watch out for the walls.
  24. Which bearing? Theres 5 of them. Check into a thrust bearing problem, or even a bad dampner. If the motors not balanced properly, you'll have this problem every time.
  25. Go E cam. I believe you may run into valve clearance if anything bigger, but that also depends on what year block and heads you are using.
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