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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. I keep these out front: http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u276/jennypace04/CIB/2007-08-2204-59-43_0004.jpg
  2. To be: http://fut-the-wuck.com/images/mcmuffin.gif Or not to be: http://www.mcwyoming.com/images/operators/1000013090/skillet1.jpg That tis the question.
  3. $10 of hangover curing beefy, deep fried goodness.
  4. But when the US.gov gives tax breaks to companies trying to save a buck on labor, we're in the wrong. There is nothing that can't be blamed on pure 100% greed in business practices now a days. But you can see the great communist society truly helping it's people here too
  5. Need to get me some mufuckin breakfast.
  6. There's something missing from the story here........
  7. Applebees and a few other establishments are doing the same.
  8. Only kind of pussy that likes him?
  9. Like anything, I'd assume if you do have the mold for casting the rounds, it'll be deffinately worth more than expected. Never the less, it's a very nice collectable.
  10. NICE You have the mold and everything for the cast rounds?
  11. Talk to Andy @ BWSC, he could help you locate a $$$ range.
  12. I've always wanted a Sharps 1874 Shiloh (maybe in .45-70), which is someone similar in action to the Schuetzen rifles. You planning on doing silhouette shooting?
  13. Brian, if you get the Durango it better come with this movie: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_slACBZLTo60/Sm71qgDbhlI/AAAAAAAAA9Q/EkuOVDsIeWw/s800/Craigs%20List%20Photos%2007.26.09%20012.jpg I say no deal if Forest isn't in the DVD player.
  14. That is the answer as to why there shouldn't be such a thing for a repeat offender. I believe in a 2nd chance for vigilante justice though.
  15. Always made me laugh when I saw the show But yes, the suck is still there.
  16. *Reminder to throw condom on her front porch.*
  17. One day sir. I heard your N/A time My work is cut out for me....
  18. On another note: Turbo Buick > Fox Body
  19. http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs161.snc1/6016_911854124985_12423416_50562394_3230596_n.jpg R.I.P Gergwheel
  20. I think my Baretta 92F is still out...........maybe. Someone needs to firm up the plans. TIME LOCATION
  21. I may pop on by, but most of my weapons have been put in storage mode pending my departure. Think I have a few hand cannons that haven't been placed in the locker.
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