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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. Hell the fuck no! I was rolling over laughing! Shit was awesome, cause he looked like one of these Bulgarian guys here that's all kinds of "Rambo'd out". :lol:
  2. Guess I need to work on my snake handling, combat rolling, hip fire maneuvers.
  3. I hate you and will now get you lap dances from the fattest chick I find. On topic, why don't you wait til I get back and I'll give you cash for this? You know I'm always interested in buying guns.
  4. Close enough to fly something into it........ Yeah I went there!
  5. As far as the purpose of it being a bomb shelter, you're going to have to go 50FT+ down. Lot of the newer munitions used by the US (They'll be copied) tend to penetrate into the ground before detonation. I can't remember the exact specs on the daisy cutter, but it's been a damn good bunker buster. If you're worried about Uncle Sugar seeing you, hell a simple FLIR set up might give you off. The only real Infared set up I'd worry about is an LRAS3, which isn't something you'd find on a crown vic. It will pick up on a 1 degree difference in temperature, so basically it would depend upon the ground and how insulated your shelter is.
  6. Move it elsewhere. The end. You don't win with your liberal thinking.
  7. It's really not, it's the placement of the establishment. Not to mention, yes, it happens to be a Muslim establishment. And again, I point out 9/11 was carried out and planned by non other than Muslims. I also hate everyone so there is no biased opinion here. I'm an equal opportunity hater of everything and everyone. Triple for the crying babies
  8. Holy shit someone that understands the point of the matter! Never the less, I plan to shit all over the building because I can.
  9. They just gave us something to fly into now.
  10. The debate isn't about religious freedoms in this country, it's the distasteful and ignorant display of a mosque no more than a mile from ground zero. No doubt, bigger fish need fried, like a majority of our .Gov.
  11. I've been to the rest of the world, it sucks, trust me. I'm not focusing on the "dark skinned folk", I was focusing on the religion itself. John Walker Lindh was as white as casper, and look what happened to him. Caught in Afghanistan with all his other Taliban brothers. You seem to be the one holding onto the stereotypes that all Muslims dawn the traditional man dress and turban. While the Taliban love the old school look, most of your good ol' fashioned suicide bombers don't fit that profile. I know about the Army of God, and I choose to leave it out because Anti-Abortion is far from THOUSANDS of dead Americans. I've had this debate before and don't feel the need to beat the dead horse, but look back in the most recent 20 years. Everything from Africa, United States, Europe and Israel. Guess 9/11 didn't do much for you or a few others in this thread, yet you'll be scared shitless when shit pops off again.
  12. Why don't you go play in traffic?
  13. You're fucking retarded. How about before you get embarrassed with your stupid rhetoric, you just decide not to post. People in Afghanistan are absolutely retarded, I live amongst them. Both Brian and I base our opinions upon the many months spent in Iraq. Get blown up a few times by them, we'll see how you feel. Get shot at on a normal basis, lets see if you side with them. Have good friends of yours blown away, and the video posted online weeks later with them praising "allah". No the "president" is standing behind the building of this attrocity. People that are rallying against this are NOT racist. Last I checked, being Muslim is not a race. Religious intimidation, you may have a small case, but not being so close to ground zero. Maybe you forgot that the hijackers were all Muslim. Maybe you forgot that the ones that carried out their attack against the world trade center met inside a Mosque. It's pouring salt into a wound is what the building is. It'll stand as a symbol for the radical muslims everywhere. You obviously didn't think of that in between the bleeding of your vagina. Open your eyes and stop watching MSNBC.
  14. They don't understand what so ever. I get sick and tired of trying to reason with liberals and the anti-"X" crowd. Stupidity can be taught, not to mention swallowed, hook, line and sinker. If this is any indication as to how things have changed in Afghanistan, they want us to respect Ramadan by not eating, smoking or drinking anything in front of them during the day. The United States is giving way to the Muslim way of life to save face.
  15. Amen. They don't understand for not having lived inside the fucked up culture, and have to deal with these fuck bags blowing you up everyday in the name of "Allah". It's disgusting for the fact that it is going to be allowed. I sure as shit ain't giving into this lets be tolerant type attitude everyone has today.
  16. WHERE do you think a majority of radical Islam starts? It sure as hell isn't inside of McDonalds, let alone a library. They'll take the building of the mosque as being a victory for them over US. This is another reason I see no hope in the world thanks to those in power. I'll be taking a trip to NYC in the near future for this.
  17. Can't wait to see one in person. I'd love to see one in grabber blue myself. Here's the teaser vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfVXBjeZBks
  18. Wasn't there a Revolution after unfair taxing.
  19. If you've got a $30K range to spend, you can pick up an M998 MMWV (Army version). If the Toyota Hilux was availible in the States, it would be perfect for your needs. We've got 2 up-armored Hilux's (Tacomas) and they're little tanks. Both of them are turbo diesels and are very capable off road.
  20. Exactly. The market is flooded now with .22 this and that. Never bought any of my AR15's to fire .22LR. XM193 and M855 5.56mm is cheap enough and pretty damn fun.
  21. Good thing I don't live in communist Chicago, I'd be serving a life sentence for what comes out of my mouth.
  22. That Sporter is most interesting, lemme see if I got any room for it.
  23. Seen some RIA 1911's up at Blackwing before, but I'd call to double tap on if they're carrying the shotguns or not. I would also assume Vance's would carry some of their line up aswell.
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