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Everything posted by 03R6

  1. the officer's car to hit the civilian's. I dont think the bike pushed the car into the others!! they crashed thier own car and its someone elses fault. Sounds like the rider was the one who was in control.
  2. same guy pulled me over last year going to quaker steak bike night, pulled me over right as I got off of 71, didnt have enough time to even try to look at my plate, says columbus is really cracking down on bike violations, yada yada, marker lights, illegaly mounted tags, exhaust too loud, no reflectors, i dont give warnings but get this fixed... If someone does get his badge number, he is obviously being prejudice against riders, if enough complaints are lodged, nothing will happen but we could do it anyway.
  3. Hey. Have a problem with my bike, wasnt firing on all cylinders. swapped gas, plugs. Now it is still missing, but only at low rpm, idle. What should I do next?? Thanks. I dont know how to tell what one isnt firing, the all warm up about the same. How do i check coil packs.
  4. Plugs and Gas, I will start and hopefully end there, thanks everyone.
  5. K&n filter, slip on only. probs just started tonight. i thought plugs at first too,but didnt think so because of how abrupt it started.
  6. yamaha yzfr6. Was riding the other day, bike preforming well. then acceleration became real choppy, pull throttle, takes a minute before bike responds then it is very choppy. Very rough at idle, backfires everynow and again, sounds rough. This happened while i was riding.. Please help
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