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Everything posted by thorne

  1. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197961728487/home
  2. thorne


    What no ebay special this time?
  3. The funny thing about studying charts and making predcitions based on them is that your prediction come true based on your own decisions.
  4. We've done numerous motor swaps for clients. We specialize in EJ25 Hybrid motors. If you have any questions give us a call. We just finished up one thats going into a Saaaabaru. 614-551-7718 I've got a a couple 400awhp+ Hybrid motors running around columbus.
  5. How does one become a Corral Person.
  6. If your in the left being going 66mph or better. It's just a politeness thing. I will never hold someone back if I'm doing 70 and I see a few cars back up behind me I let them go by and use them as a shield
  7. ABACABB Blood Code for Mk1 on the Sega. The funny thing is i never owned a sega. I rented one from the game store once.
  8. How did you get on track?
  9. Nzbmatrix was down yesterday
  10. I mean shit. Anit like he personally went there and opened the pipe. Let him have some life.
  11. This is a awesome car and who ever gets it will be very pleased.
  12. I have no problem walking up and telling someone to not be a douche. We have permission to hang out but not be ass hats. Especially if christian is with me.
  13. http://sabnzbd.wikidot.com/install-nas
  14. For those of us who enjoy our freedom. http://www.nzbmatrix.com Bonus: http://sabnzbd.wikidot.com/ It's automagic. Put a file in a folder it downloads decodes repairs decompresses and cleans up it can even sort. And bandwidth limiting I love it.
  15. thorne

    quick trigger

    I had a bike. I loved riding it but I would not give up having a quick car.
  16. Sam what do you think she would make?
  17. Mensan everyone I've met who hates obama blindly and shoots off to the mouth never ever sites sources. Also his major campaign item was healthcare and like it or not he passed the largest healthcare bill ever. I had a conversation with a couple of the guys at the shop. They are red necks through and through. But they are cool guys. We got on the topic of politics. They spouted off the same shit I heard on fox news. They also did the same wonderful job of being able to back up any statement they made.
  18. All people with handles that start with H and end with L are idiots. Why because I say so and I would vote for any user on CR whos handle does not start with a H. And if the world don't end in 2012.;... REALLY at the point you take that 2012 shit serious is the same point when you disengage brain engage stupidity.
  19. streamy game is similar concept
  20. Paul I want a pic of the time slips. I need it for my motivation poster Pic of slips Never Raced - for sale 1 srt-4 never raced.
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