Are you special? I have no idea, photoshop gets 0 gains from a 9600gt vs a 8800gt vs a fucking 6600gt. They all will perform the same.
This guy does not plan on doing 3d, I said the card I did for price and price alone, My goal when building a fucking purpose built pc is it put the money towards the best solution. In this case the CPU or RAM are the best choices to spend more money in.
I do know what card cost me less just recently, I was not debating the speed and power of the videocard I just tossed out a card and the card does not matter.
Again the 40$ ati card would serve the same exact purpose. I did not claim my card was the fastest I said the 9600gt does very well next to it. My card is old I bought it when it came out. Literly the week of.