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Everything posted by thorne

  1. My ex wife was attacked by a rott It ribbed about half her leg muscle off she was in the hsopital for 2 weeks plus with surgeries and repairs. It fucked her up for life and left a perminent scare. The dog was used as a guard dog for a shop her dad owned. I can find pics somewhere if you want to see. Imagine my horrow watching my wife being thrown around like a rag doll by a rott. A very powerful rott. I ran up and scared the shit of the dog causing him to finally let go. Unless you've herd the fucking screams and seen an attack take place don't give me your in a ambulence. I've been there and done that so we have a common frame of referance. Yet I am against this legistlation. On the back of my wifes SUV you will see 2 things. 1 a pets license plate 2. a NO BSL sticker. We don't like nore support stickers on cars but we felt this was a issue worth supporting.
  2. BTW Since you left the other night christian I can't seem to find my bike.
  3. thorne

    WOW Outage?

    Joe has wow started rolling out 1ghz plants? I was curious how far away they were from A. Packet cable B. more hd C. Docsis 3.0
  4. thorne

    WOW Outage?

    Joe, Any time in the RDC we see a OUTAGE at any point of a routing chain this time appearing to be qwest we classify it as a outage due to the fact there is a outage at some point. Remeber you work on the wire level I work on the network level we have diffrent views of things. I was not claiming anything bad against wow. I was just asking if anyone else had seen the same issue to try and help bucky. If at timewarner we have a BGP Issue and say .1% of the internet traffic can't be reached we still classify it as a outage. It sounds like it was just a hiccup in routing and thats cool again I was in no way trashing wow I have no beef with wow. I also really like what you were able to do for wow customers with your killer deal. Thats something you did not have to do but went out of your way to make happen. So don't take me as trashing wow I just was classifing a inccedent in the same fashion I would with any situation I would deal with here in the RDC. Terms. for the non geeks BGP = Border Gateway Protocol (Pass routes around) RDC = Regional Data Center Outage = any disreution in service.
  5. I wish i had that picture.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCAM3C3dpIA&feature=related
  7. This made me laugh like a son of a bitch. 614 omg 614 Rofl.
  8. thorne

    WOW Outage?

    Cool enjoy DSL LOL@ you.
  9. thorne

    WOW Outage?

    You were fine a reboot is useless. Hobbz I don't deal in RF. 481-5000
  10. thorne

    WOW Outage?

    Why would you powercycle when a tracert is failing multiple hops out from your location unless your a business class customer whos recieve a block of IP's via rip and potially (RARE) the router is fucking up. In the case of a standard cable modem they are pretty dumb device.
  11. I speak english though that could be debated. I understand spanish and can still speak some I used to be much better 12-14 years ago
  12. thorne

    WOW Outage?

    My bad. I cranky lately
  13. Senor Spaceghost es Mucho loco.
  14. It's been a long time since I seen it.
  15. Would you like to play a game? WOPR
  16. thorne

    WOW Outage?

    WTF you talking about ghosty? Bucky messaged me asking so ifigured since we have some wow people on here they could answer. I could careless what poeple preferance is honestly. I don't work in sales.
  17. thorne

    WOW Outage?

    I just got a msg from bucky saying he can't get to cr. I was curious if anyone was aware of a outage. 26] bucky531: times out at [11:27] bucky531: osu-cntr-01.inet.qwest.net [11:27] bucky531:
  18. I've not been boating in so long
  19. http://bamb.ohiogaming.net/thorne/me/IMAGE_00079.jpg Fat Thorne 2 years ago http://bamb.ohiogaming.net/thorne/me/IMAGE_00085.jpg Last year
  20. Fuck you I'm going back to raiding Kara
  21. I've got a WRX Electric fuel pump if it will work its yours
  22. shit I'll take a 240 badged skyline
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