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Everything posted by thorne

  1. Wow I never relized you could not go off the trail.......
  2. Thats correct, So think how many times it's already happened. and jack asses keep wanting to take away more of our rights.
  3. http://rawstory.com//news/2007/Flight_detained_when_IraqiAmericans_speak_in_0831.html WOW. Go America.
  4. http://www.alternet.org/drugreporter/60959/ I think it should be legal which would benfit america greatly. Not wasting money putting pot users in jail. Also the taxes. WOW. Tell me what you think.
  5. thorne

    MX-3 For the Win?

    vtech knocks you for a loop with dyno proof
  6. Fuck dog fighters. If I met someone I knew fought dogs I would prolly beat the shit out of him and then let my dog chew on him. Thats bull shit . It's mother fuckers like Vick that make my neighbors scared of Big Joe.
  7. Happened last week. a Mustang lost as did a ls1. Since I caused both does that make me a god?
  8. It's a shame that a poor 69 is jailed like that. Someone should liberate it to my garage.
  9. thorne

    MX-3 For the Win?

    Yeah using the standard P = TN / 5252 shows that car making over 300hp. So I guesse I need to read about that dyno type. Working a 350z over is not special =) they are slow stock. I would like to see that on a regular dyno. I have no doubts its a wicked car.
  10. thorne

    MX-3 For the Win?

    thats funny as hell your car knocking maybe. but then again when the numbers don't cross its really hard to even remotely take a number like that seriously. did you just make that yourself? Photoshop by a n00b?
  11. thorne

    MX-3 For the Win?

    Thats not a real dyno or something is fucked up. The lines do not cross at 5252. Also your line goes backwards. If it is actually doing that something is wrong.
  12. Field tests. There is also tests that can tell if your high based on retinal response.
  13. There is no reason to think that commerical pot would be bad. It's not hard to grow pot its a weed. But it would make a huge dent in crime. Cocaine is by far a drug dealers biggest money maker. There is cheap beer I'm sure we can all agree. Who's to say you won't be able to get Quality pot. You put the same rules around it that exist on alky.
  14. thorne

    Anyone hungry?

    I hate you tooooooo.
  15. thorne

    Anyone hungry?

    Wanna do food tonight?
  16. qft. I would avoid the pickup truck myself just because RWD + Light Rearend + winter = FTL. My first car was a 85 Cavvy.
  17. I will never ever ever lane split. unless I am playing real life GTA with a few stars.
  18. http://laist.com/2007/08/30/lane_splitting_on_the_10_freeway_in_la.php That looks scary as shit.
  19. Blah. I will make this war on drugs work. Pot leave that alone its a waste of tax payer dollars. fuck legalize it and make tons of the taxes and stomp make it people don't fund terrorism as they claim. If you buy a pack of Malbaro greens keep the money home. Hit hard on cocaine and hard drugs. Make a system to crossreferance all prescriptions and red flag someone picking up oxy cotton 3 times in 1 week.
  20. - A Amex that I never had to pay off but it kept going. (How ballah is that) - A fleet of cars including dsm's that don't break and rx-7's that don't blow apexi's - The ability to smack people over the internet. - Tour of area 51 - 1 of the hawaii islands - house in amsterdam
  21. +1 I've got a bootle of Vodka to donate sam.
  22. Sweet I get a awesome severance package. Let me incontrol of the DEA. Mike: Ya know if you came over and encourged me to go pick up my AK I would have something better then my high point. I do wanna state my dad hit killer accurracy on my high point. As have I. the only downside is its a nightmare to brake down.
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