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Everything posted by thorne

  1. if you rip into it I want to see
  2. tsk tsk what you need to do is use a crossover cable between your laptop and the work laptop and do ICS.
  3. I got a stage 1 monte carlo you can buy for the small price of 23G if you want it that bad I will throw in the bumps and a year of XM ( God I wish it was not negative.
  4. Tell them that tcpip over carrier pigeon is the most safe method of all.
  5. I'm at work rebooting your cable modems.
  6. Buck think I can get a 40 roll?
  7. nice. a elantra would not be a bad platform for a run then.
  8. working on the sabath should be put to death. If a man have long hair its a shame unto him.
  9. Wait a sec here. elantra head? nice to hear its done. Looks like a nice fun toy.
  10. no reason to take something litteral. Faith don't require it. Close minded people do.
  11. As I think faith is important I just found this and thought it was interesting. inaccuracys ?
  12. ... Thats funny shit. I think its funny how you list global warming as a hoax. your right.
  13. thorne

    Call Out V2

    I will set you out a car no prob. you going out friday night?
  14. Voted for the story. Thats funny. I've seen titties on a 12 second bike.
  15. WTF> Jap games are funny.
  16. thorne


    we soon shall know. I'm not planning on dynoing again till the new parts go on.
  17. thorne


    smurf because torrent sites suck. 360 ver has been on newsgroups for a week. . I'm getting it for pc for the true gaming experiance. halo3 better support keyboard and mouse if not. They fail at life. ut3 on ps3 supports it. I might endup grabbing a ps3 if they do that trend.
  18. so selling your car to get out of racing me. Tsk Tsk. Just messin with you. How's the clutch on it? I've got a friend who might be interested.
  19. brians wife is for the win. the kids only get to spray 50 shots though.
  20. So when am i going to come whoop your ass at SC
  21. that video is old but still makes me lol
  22. http://www.cinematical.com/2007/08/19/extended-cut-of-transformers-hits-imax-next-month/ damn it they will get more of my money.
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