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Posts posted by sturg

  1. Soooooo ive got to rebuild my two front brakes on the kz1000...Except ive never done it before. Ive been told its a simple enough task and I'd like to learn how, but i dont want to rely on some random internet "how to guide" for something as important as my brakes.

    Overnight parts from japan are ordered.:D

    Anyone whos done it before avial to show me the ropes? Ive got a 12 pack of your favorite beer with your name on it. Ill be happy to slide to your place, or ive got a garage at mine.

  2. before i read what is probably a serious statement, at first glance your post looks like a childrens books where you can press the picture inbedded in the text and it will play a soundbite

    that sucks and unfortunatly probably everyone on here has had that happen...a buddy of mine got his firefighting carrer cut short because someone drifted into him. He elbowed the car so hard that he tore a bunch of ligaments in his arm, and has no feeling in his hand. But the good part is we get to ask him what its like to jerk it with "the stranger". i work in centerville what part of dayton are you in?

  3. sophmore year at osu i lived on E 11th before indanola and my front and back wind screen of my car got shot out in our parking lot (gun fight apperantly).

    The short north and campus needs to squeez that shit East of 71...but even then youve got good people who've lived there since the 50's or 60's

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