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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. I've found with a good straight wheel and the balance dot on the tire properly positioned the tire will balance with no weights quite often. If it's out of balance, however, I think it should be balanced. It will effect tire life, cause vibrations, etc. I certainly think it's important. To have a properly balanced wheel.
  2. Brad, I should have mentioned though that it would be fine to start doing some work on Sunday. I don't wanna make a day of it though. Maybe Sat since it'll be nice you could drop it off and that way we don't have to worry about weather on Sunday. Lemme know.
  3. Thanks Nick. You da man!

  4. Nope, str8 pimpin ain't me. my money is on larry or E for that one.
  5. Count me in, weather permitting. I have to add that.
  6. Thank you for the wishes!

  7. The first joke thread I got negged for this post I was adding more jokes to thread and got negged :lol:
  8. Shoulda gave 'em Chad and kept TJ....Bengals will never do well until Brown dies or steps down... He's the only constant in the last how many losing years...
  9. Can I use your power to the people hand in your sig to choke my chicken?
  10. Well call me lame... I was bored...Click on members list then sort by date joined. Then basically count... Each page is 30 names. Looks like you're 818... I'm... 535
  11. Does he get to stand on a stool while we dance around him?
  12. I have nothing of value to add to this thread except you wrecked on my birthday... Hope it works out for ya!
  13. Got it! I wasn't aware of a possible NYC ride...I might be in for that one. Have to see as it gets closer!
  14. The teacher decided to see how many of the city kids knew what sounds farm animals made. She asked the kids to put their hands up if they knew the correct sound. "Who knows what sound a cow makes?" she asked. Cindy put her hand up and said "Moooo!" "Very good" replied the teacher,"what sound does sheep make?" "Baaaa" answered Jimmy. She continued this for a while. Then she asked, "What sound does a pig make?" All the hands in the class went up. She was surprised at the response. She chose Little Johnny at the back of the class. He stood up, took a deep breath, and screamed, "UP AGAINST THE WALL MUTHA_FUCKA"
  15. Ramps are always an easily sell able item. You pay that much and you may not get your complete investment back, but you'll get well over 75% for a one time use ramp.
  16. I can do that. We can just pick a Saturday or Sunday and knock it out.
  17. Instead of a new Topic for this dingbat I'll use this one... Declines house and nursing assistance
  18. TGI Fridays new menu... Linked because it's kinda NSFW
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