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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. I completely failed. I was beat today after work...didn't do squat. Matt is working tomorrow and if it's the last thing I do, that bike should be pretty much done tomorrow evening. Thank you.
  2. dustinsn3485

    Ride 7/27

    Man I'm rolling with the Indy/Cincy Crew to TN this weekend.
  3. I've got it in my phone as well...But what happens if your phone gets crushed somehow or something... I always carry my wallet on me as well. That way there is a paper back-up.
  4. dustinsn3485

    ID card

    After this weekend with the downed rider and no one really knowing him. It was difficult at first to locate his family. I thought others might be interested in this: Medical ID card You can put basic info, primary physician, and most importantly a family member and phone number to reach them. I keep mine in my wallet.
  5. I wonder if it was he who called 911? The sheriff said he knew his name. Apparently while they were talking to him they were trying to find someone he knew. I noticed that my name was on the paper and asked the sheriff. So he at the scene knew my name as well. Kinda strange I'd only talked to him at Jimbo's when we were discussing our bikes since they are the same. It's good that he's up and moving though.
  6. dustinsn3485


    splitting I'm off work, see ya'll later.
  7. dustinsn3485


    redbarron77 just used that... speeling
  8. That's wild. I'm excited. That'll be worth being sore at the end of the weekend!
  9. Yes. In my opinion, he's fortunate the bike hit the post and went through the fence before he. (I'm assuming the bike went through first) I think his injuries could be much worse had his body tried to take out the individual wires of the fence if you get my drift...
  10. I've got a cruiser docked at Grider Hill there. If I'm not on the bike on the weekend, I'm on the boat.
  11. dustinsn3485

    Ride 7/27

    He stinkin called all the C-bus guys out, if he can't make the ride that's shady!
  12. dustinsn3485

    Ride 7/27

    Nope not I. Looks like I'm headin to TN unless that trip falls through for some reason. 1000miles > 100miles
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