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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. dustinsn3485

    Ride 7/27

    Chicken...Most of the roads we ran were 2 lane (backroads). Now granted the front half (20 bikes) were sport and the remainder were cruisers. So it was split into two groups. I had absolutely no problem. Everyone, for the most part, rode super smart and it made for a great ride. Anyways...Dayton ride...sorry to threadjack.
  2. dustinsn3485

    Ride 7/27

    Dude 50 isn't that bad! Columbus can do 50, Dayton can do 50!
  3. Rick rolled...it's classic Nick. Click the link. It'll all make sense after you do.
  4. Clicked on the thread. Googled the link...will not be tricked.
  5. Yeah, his whole back drive is full of 'em.
  6. Good stuff. I spend too much time on that site when I get on it.
  7. So hold on, this is all a joke?
  8. You missed it. It was this past weekend. I thought about going, but wanted to work on Matt's bike.
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