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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. There's two rides tomorrow. A dayton ride and a NKY ride. Then on the 13th is the official NKY ride.
  2. That's a bit excessive. I don't have any girls that'll play the wii games for me so there's no reason to get that one anyway. Primary use is going to be DVD player...but gaming on the side.
  3. That sucks! I had one of them stinkin cicadas get me in the chest at a little over 100. Even with the jacket, that tickled...
  4. Alright so I need to buy a DVD player for the new house to go with the entertainment system I've basically decided that I may as well buy either the XBox 360 or the PS3. That way it serves the dual function of DVD's and pass the time playing games. So DVD abilities aside, b/c they both play DVDs (yes PS3 has Blu-ray), which one has better games and more functionality? Thoughts, opinions?
  5. ...and found this... Zerocrash you might be interested 6 zerocrash 338 666 Top posters of the month... You're number 6 for month number 6 and total post count is 666 at my time of looking...
  6. Scratch that...I just got the phone call. I'm here until 10PM now....that's 14 hours... Picture goodness to go with work sadness... Stacy Keibler
  7. Just for the record I googled "the hottest chick in the world" and this is what came up... This one too... Rachel Bilson
  8. Hey at least you're home. This is last night of the quarter here at work and I'm stuck sitting here until at least 8. So I suppose that being the case...bring on the boobies, err I mean hottest girls around! And actually Dayton owns. on you.
  9. Granted, now you're chewing the gum you stepped on. I wish I had plans tonight.
  10. I think we are going on July 13th. This weekend is a ride around Caesars creek and surrounding area. There's another thread on it.
  11. Congrats now the expensive step of buying a bike! Have fun!
  12. Granted now you sleep 20 hours a day and live in a box under the interstate because you don't work. I wish work wasn't so busy right now.
  13. Motorcycle wheels shouldn't even be dynamically balanced. A gravity balancer does a fine job. That's probably my next purchase to complete my tire changing set-up. My .02
  14. Clue me in, what exactly is a meet? Cars, bikes, everything?? And like jarvismb, I thought it was supposed to rain...
  15. Granted you are the Jared for A&W except you get fatter and fatter... I wish I didn't have to work so long today.
  16. They do well, I agree. Do we need more? Yeah, probably.
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