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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. So everything being said, I'm thinking PS3. I appreciate all the input and that this thread has stayed on topic so well. As has been said I'm looking for the DVD aspect with gaming on the side and PS3 seems to win out.
  2. Yeah...right... At that point, pretend ya didn't see him and keep on rollin. If he finds ya later, you get evading...well either way you're getting suspension of license what's it matter...
  3. dustinsn3485


    This is my last one for now...I'm off to bed rack
  4. dustinsn3485


    whoever get's here in the morning the word right now is: trace
  5. dustinsn3485


    FAIL. You changed 2 letters.
  6. dustinsn3485


    Fair enough.. Trace.
  7. Call the cops they're doing wheelies and blocking five lanes of traffic... Slow down you're gonna get pulled over...no we're the camera crew... Classic
  8. dustinsn3485


    Not a definable word...are we allowed to use proper names??
  9. Ehh...I ended up at the bar for a couple hours...Missed out, yeah probably...oh well.
  10. Hmm. Interesting, I thought live was free with the 360. Didn't really here, just assumed. I had read a little, but never found anything conclusive saying you pay or don't pay. So far sounds like PS3 is more suited for what I want.
  11. It's a dairy mart/marathon station. Oh and I won't be there.
  12. Games: doesn't really matter, some racing, some first person shooters, football, etc... Not really into gaming much anymore..I've got battlefield 2 on the computer and play it a bit... Like I've said its primarily for the DVD. And I want a good DVD player. As you said blu ray players are a nice chunk of money so I figured I'd double up and get a player/gaming system. I guess the thing I've seen with the 360 is the xbox live. you can watch a large selection of HD movies for free. I thought that was pretty cool and as of now ps3 doesn't have that. But I understand they might have it soon however.
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