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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. I'm not really into the game...My flirting last year...She's on here too and we're at a pretty happy medium as far as friendship goes...My g/f is sure to point out that I flirt, but doesn't care... I'm far from desparate...never have been desperate... I like ya Nick, but learn to take a joke...You know the majority of whats said online is fun and games...You also know I can be a sarcastic asshole. I've hurt your feelings before, this probably won't be the last time. Anyway the ride...
  2. You don't have game, you're whipped... Your game got you a couple month ban from OR...
  3. I didn't see any twist ties just some sub par 3 cylinder bike...
  4. Nah, just 6:30...I'm just tired. It's been a long day. Dug a hole to pour concrete for a new section of sidewalk and work was stressful today...Then this darn dog has flat out worn me out he's got more energy than a 12 pack of Red Bull
  5. I'd be tempted if I wasn't on the couch with one eye open and fighting to keep it that way...
  6. It'll be nothing to fix. And just think, people aren't looking at the bike when you go cruisin by anyway...They see a hot female engineer student on a bike and that bike disappears.
  7. Only small print on the page: Subscription compliments of ROADGEAR. No purchase necessary, quantities limited. Offer valid for mailing addresses in the US. APO and Puerto Rico only! BTW, I never got mine last time either. That's why I signed up and posted again as well.
  8. Yeah I know, I've seen this before in prior threads... Anyways just got it in my e-mail today...Another offer for 1 yr free of the magazine... Link here
  9. I think E said he's gonna be secretary for the ride. How do you know that?
  10. It could actually be a low battery... When I'm doing a lot of stop and go riding I don't use my high beams. There is a reason, but I'm not intelligent enough to expain. If you want a good solid explanation of why not to use your high beams talk to one of the mechanics at HNW.
  11. It's only stalking if she didn't know, he's got her name "somewhere" That's totally ok, it falls into the prostitution category for sure!
  12. I'll touch your fanny pack too, that sounds nice.
  13. Very nice...I'll take the wink to be the secret "ok"
  14. So it's look but don't touch I assume
  15. :plus: one this is the Dayton thread not the Columbus thread... Hold up...Dayton street thread...What are you doing in here Jarvis
  16. ok the bike picture is fine...But can you leave my girlfriend and her sister out of this... :lol:
  17. That chunk of dirt that flew off the back tire almost hit me too...Were you riding through cornfields before you came to the dyno day or something?
  18. I love food! Some girls have this fear of it though....
  19. I didn't say fat I said food...There's nothing wrong with a girl that likes to eat!!
  20. Where there's food there's OsuMj
  21. Dude ride is starting at 11 we'll be done by 2....If you turn around at the first stop you'll be home by 1:30 probably.
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