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Everything posted by Ludefreak
Whats the point of the ccw.. Even if you got one you cany carry your gun anywhere,Everywhere you go those no weapons sighns are up.. just another way to make money and get people to register. imo I personaly never needed anyones special permission to carry my gun..Which is not very often, only when i go on long road trips and downtown. But best of luck all
Looks harmless maybe i'll buy one for my wife or my 12 year old.. :monkeypoo::monkeypoo: Nahhhhhh wouldnt do that to my wife or son...:honda::honda::honda:
Whats up all... you know i lived in germany for 10 years wile my father was in the army and i had the privalage to live outside of the military instilation for many of the 10 years, thats where i got my driver license when i was 17.. Anyway.. The entire time i lived there i never once saw a "traffic" cop.. Made many trips accross europe, and hardly ever saw any police patroling the neighborhoods.. No cops hidin behind trees trying to catch ya slippin.. Only come around when they are called.. Loved it... But they do have alot of the photo radar things that will send you a nice picture of yourself and the front of your car if you happen to see the flash.. Long story short,, speed all ya want, cops in germany are doing better things than handing out dumb as tickets like speeding, noise polution and my favorite one of all the old Your window tint is to dark.. All of these types of tickets serve no other purpose than creating easy revenue. Oh yea and if you do ever have the misfortune of a run-in with the polizie they have never heard of police brutality so watch your mouth..
God please no more clinton or bush presidents our country needs real leadership... Our country has been under these monarchies for to long!!
You did not get a response from the ones it was aimed at?? Why not just call them out by name?? Think that would have been a bit easier?? As for eatin mexican in the middle of a ride, Dont get the refried beans..:monkeypoo: Be safe.
McDonalds is always hiring if you are in that much of a pinch,, and you dont care about pride... Good luck,, I spent 6 months on unemployment and hated it, now i'm working and want to be on unemployment again... Go figure...
:600rr::600rr::600rr::600rr::honda::honda::honda::honda::honda::honda::smilieRR::smilieRR::smilieRR::smilieRR: Thats all i have to say bout that..
good lookin windscreen.. Post a full pic of your bike will ya..
god damn...
Good lookin machine...
Anyone know of a good painter.? im looking to get my helmet painted and possible my mid fairings, looking for someone who does good work. distance not a big deal... Numbers and websites would be great... Thanks and be safe.....
choice is a wonderfull thing! Lets keep it ours!
No doubt... but had to see what all the hype was about..
Man tht was my first bike nite and i have to say how boring that was... 06 i think i saw ya but by the time i got done talkin you had rolled out....
you got it... be safe
Joe works on all kind of stuff, hes workin on turboing his bke rite now.. Give it a shot he has done all the mods on my lude... if he dont know i'm sure he knows someone who does..
sorry lemon not gonna get out of bikes for awhile.... I dont mind bein a squid... And i will try and remember for futur postings to only post things that make me look good... But i got lots of funny stories. Squid out... I got an idea for a new section we can call it the dumbest post of the week/month award... I nominate Ludefreak for august...Ha ha ha:D safe ridin all
Call Joe at tiger auto he might be able to help..937-259-6800..
I was not making light of it i fired back when people started talkin about eatin sandwiches and watchin people die along with name callin.Not necessary in my opinion... But i sometimes forget that when i'm on the internet that some of the people i'm in contact with are using their internet created personalities and probly wouldnt have the balls to talk the way they do in a face to face conversation, i could be wrong though and dont really care.. When i talked about second chances i was refering to time in my auto before i even got my bike... Sunday was the first time i got on my bike having had drinks.. Normally i dont ride if i know i'm gonna drink but sunday was a spur of the moment kind of thing wasnt plannin on bein out but BLAH BLAH.. Anyways please dont assume that i am some drunk on a 346lb rocket looking to take everyone out.. that aint me at all, i take riding my motorcycle seriously.. Riding is somthing i have come to enjoy very much, and would be uterly devistated if i screwed up my privaledge to ride... I think if we were to ever ride you would see that i am a very safe consiterate rider... As for your question Nick, you have seen my myspace page so you know the answer to that question.. Enuff explaining.. I'm headed to QS&L tonite if it dont rain 50% chance they say..( not drinkin of course) If yall happen to be there say hi and chit chat for a minute, White 07 600rr, black icon accelerant jacket, Red beat michigan shirt.. Be safe everyone!!!
You must forgive me but i dont remember trying to justify anything... I said it was wrong from the go.
:violin::violin::violin:Oh well... Just kind of curious why does posting the truth about a boneheaded move make me an idiot?? I will say that this is the most excitment i have seen on this site since i first joined hope all were entertained... Ride safe all... I'm sure i'll have more idiot stuff to post overtime...