HOLY SHIT...... its 315 in the morning and i just walked away from a sure DUI I dont know who i paid off but THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH... I'm ridin home from downtown dayton, just got done putin it to this hottie. Ive had a few.DID my business,ridin home listenin to Godsmack cruisin rt4 goin 115 {strait line mind u} look to my rite Cross highway, OH shit i say..get 2 harshman rd exit,the lights come on.Im fuct,Pull over in front of stebbins high school, put my helmet on the pavement stand up,turn and get my registration from my rear seat. I turn and hand my licences to the officer and he says to me,you still live on silver oak st.. Dazed i say yes i'm headed home now.. He says keep it down,,, and turns and walks away..... say what dumbfounded i am,wndering what or who i did for such a free pass wow Iwill not take this lightly... i am amazed that i was able to get home to my family after i saw those hatefull red and blue lights come on.. What did i do to deserve a second,third,fourth,or even a fifth chance. Thank you so very much...