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Everything posted by Ludefreak

  1. Flounder & PLsanders...... Ecotistical is a bit to heavy, maybe self assured yea that works for me... ... So i guess what i really wanna say is FUCK YOU 2 FISH... If your ever in dayton look me up we'll go for a ride and get them eats for ya... Hell maybe even a BEER...
  2. Ty Gsxr. Ur rite i was in no way trying to brag... Drinking and riding is not a subject i would brag about.. Nor should anyone else..
  3. Awwww Everybody is so perfect... i dont remember sayin i was drunk, i said it was a sure dui if the cop pressed... but thats here nor there... drinkin and ridin is all the same.. And i commend all of you who have the restraint to not ride their bikes after having had a few beers... Well see ya around. And keep the insults coming... Lets see tool, dipshit, retard.. Is that all, theres got to be better insults that you can come up with...
  4. yea i know.... so flounder you up for a ride??? LOL Thanks again Mr cool cop...
  5. HOLY SHIT...... its 315 in the morning and i just walked away from a sure DUI I dont know who i paid off but THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH... I'm ridin home from downtown dayton, just got done putin it to this hottie. Ive had a few.DID my business,ridin home listenin to Godsmack cruisin rt4 goin 115 {strait line mind u} look to my rite Cross highway, OH shit i say..get 2 harshman rd exit,the lights come on.Im fuct,Pull over in front of stebbins high school, put my helmet on the pavement stand up,turn and get my registration from my rear seat. I turn and hand my licences to the officer and he says to me,you still live on silver oak st.. Dazed i say yes i'm headed home now.. He says keep it down,,, and turns and walks away..... say what dumbfounded i am,wndering what or who i did for such a free pass wow Iwill not take this lightly... i am amazed that i was able to get home to my family after i saw those hatefull red and blue lights come on.. What did i do to deserve a second,third,fourth,or even a fifth chance. Thank you so very much...
  6. Yea sunday the 19th around 1pm is good for me..
  7. I've got some time 2day If anyone is headed out..
  8. Damn i wanted to go... I havnt had the privalege of hittin the twisties yet.. i have only been ridin for 4 months now and all my milage is all town traffic.. Next time yall hit them give me a call i wold love a good ride... 4701944
  9. Whats up all i've finally got the time so i'm headed to bike nite at quaker steak& lube this coming thursday.. probly around 730, so if anyone wants to meet up let me know inm in the riverside/huber area... 4701944
  10. I got my 2 the other day thanks.....
  11. I'm plannin on coming up from dayton hope to meet some of yall while im there...
  12. I just sent u a pm.. Anyone else gonna roll???
  13. I wasnt really sure what day i was going to go... Never been before. Are you campin... Saturday is good for me what time are you thinking of heading out???
  14. Whats up all... I was thinking about headin up to to check out the race.. Probly only go one day, may ride my bike. Anyone interested on going up..
  15. I will be out cruzin around town saturday nite, feel free to call me.. 937-470-1944.. i'll just be hangin out at the Southern Belle most likely if theres nothin else to do.. Ludefreak
  16. Wow guys not much hapnin here in dayton i see, just thought i would post a new thread to knock off the cobwebs....
  17. The ones i get aint video taped... strait downlowed... And ony $5... I aint paid to see a movie in a therater in about 12 years,, i like my money to much to hand it over to the movie man at what they charge... NOOOOOOOO Wayyyy....... Oh yea i dont pay for my music either.....
  18. Id just throw her 10 bucks and tell her to get a snack..
  19. I will have my copy of the dvd in about a week cant wait
  20. :honda::honda::honda::honda::honda::600rr::600rr::600rr::600rr::600rr::honda::honda::honda::honda::honda::600rr::600rr::600rr::600rr::600rr:
  21. Hey guys... Sorry i didnt get back to ya, long weekend had the MSF class and my wife planesd our girls party for sunday and didnt tell me till friday... i'm still up for a good ride though.. I'm headed to kentucky this coming weekend for some beer drinkin and campin so it will have to be later for me... NinjaNick ive got your number so ill give you a call soon and well get somthin going... Have a good 4th of july everyone and be safe....
  22. Ive got my riders class out in troy sat untill 230pm so anytime after 330 would work for me... just let me know..
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