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Posts posted by r1crusher

  1. I think it throws it into a hidden folder...at least that's what I found when I used the media creation tool and just told it to upgrade right away instead of create a USB bootable installer.  Worked perfectly the two times I've done it so far and it takes a couple hours depending on your ISP speeds.

  2. You didn't "find it for me" my boy.  I simple was not concerned with tracking it down myself at this time.


    But you keep tellin' yourself that if it makes you a better IT guy.



  3. I believe the "footprint" for 10 is smaller than previous versions of Windows and I think it does a better job with resources so I'd say to upgrade that desktop and laptop.  Besides...when do you ever get anything free from M$?!?!?


    I'll be doing my laptop but I can't do my workstation...it's 8.1 Enterprise so no upgrade for that. :(

  4. I'm having issues currently. I have TWC with their 50/5 service. Mine is just inconsistent as can be. I'll run a speed test on the XBONE and doing 4 test in 4 mines will get me test of any where from 64 DL to 13 DL. My upload stays consistent between 5-6. I have reset stuff and shut off all other devices and my XBONE is wired. 


    Same checks go for you as well bucko.  Any splitters before the modem? What does your S/Ns look like in your modem? Logs from modem? What time of day are you running the speed tests?

  5. My parents has some problems similar to what you described with the service just dropping intermittently at random times of the day and night.  They sent a tech out and went through the lines at the house.  Turns out one of the many splitters that my dad put in was causing the signal problem.  Wound up buying a quality Monster 2Ghz 1 x 4 way splitter and removed all the others and the problem went away.  You want to minimize splitters if at all possible.


    Here in our house we have a powered splitter that TWC put in, it's like a 1 x 8 I think and never had a problem with it.  I did at one time have a problem where my router config got all jacked up for some reason...Linksys 4200.  It wasn't a signal drop but nothing in the house could get any internet through the router.  In any case I had to install the latest firmware on it again, configure it from a backup file and the problem was solved.

  6. A couple of my favorites when available are Palate Wrecker and Chillwave.  Fat Heads also makes a couple scrumptious IPAs also like Hop JuJu.  Brew Kettle has their award winning El Lupulo Libre that is amazing.


    If you're serious about your IPAs then you should be following the NIPAC each year.


    Here's a link so you can check out some of the best IPAs (and IIPAs) out there... http://www.brewingnews.com/nipac/

  7. Bells Two Hearted is decent but I think there are much more tasty IPA's out there.  I like to think of Bells as a beginners IPA at only 7% ABV.  I can think of a few that would knock your socks off if you really like IPAs and they are typically in 9% ABV range and 70 IBU and higher though.


    I plan on having some 90 Minute IPA and I think I'll throw in a West Coast IPA while I sit around the camp fire this evening. :D

  8. The way you win any war is to inflict as much damage as possible until you break your enemies capacity to continue and their spirit to fight.  It's not over until there is a surrender.  Germany surrendered.  Japan vowed not to surrender, but they did after the second atomic bomb.  BTW, those two bombs prevented more YEARS of war and saved the lives of countless Marines who were preparing to invade the Japanese mainland.


    There was no surrender in Iraq or Afghanistan or Six-pack-istan.  Those wars ended because enough politicians felt they were losing public support and therefore might not get reelected.  So they said enough bombs were dropped and declared victory.  The enemy was not destroyed.  Those half steps created the next generation of terrorists.


    Terrorist groups and the countries that give them safe haven should be scared to death of feeling the wrath of the USA.  Today, they certainly are not.     


    I totally agree Tpop.


    Fuck...when we did get out we left the new terrorists with shit tons of surplus US equipment and arms to boot!!!

  9. I believe another potential issue is the UN.  Since we have signed on with their charter it would be really tough to throw down the big hammer on certain countries without reprise from the UN.


    IMO...the UN can go suck a small limp dick for all I care.  If we're being asked to be "Big Brother" to the world then we should act accordingly and start crackin' skull in several countries.

  10. I don't see this as something that a properly written hold harmless/limited liability waiver couldn't take care of.  It's not like you're having to get insurance to cover any possible scenario, just a policy to cover something in the case of theft or fire.  The waiver would take care of any stupid customers from making a claim against them.

  11. Something that will help is to keep a daily journal of your physical condition until it's time to start the settlement.  This will just help with the settlement when it comes time to pay for pain, suffering, lost time from work AND lost time from riding.  Remember you might start feeling better after a couple months but you could have problems later down the road so make sure you get compensated accordingly.

  12. Apparently you've never been to a gun show before I guess. :) I don't think I've ever walked through a show with something I wanted to trade or sell without someone pulling out a BBoGV.  Now, you're right about market driving the prices but again it doesn't appear you've ever held one of these books and thumbed through it.  The prices are updated in each edition so every release is current with the market.  Good luck also finding the exact gun you're looking up information on in the exact same condition.  They don't call it the gun bible for nothing.


    The thing is...the BBoGV has just about every gun ever made in it.  Good luck finding something rare for sale on one of those sites when you want to get a rough price for one.  Any resource is a good resource...online, books, etc.  I just prefer to go to one book for everything instead of 3 online sites.


    Just sayin'. :D

  13. I think you could have just said that in the very beginning Pokey instead of just saying lights don't matter (and later kind of agree they do).  I agree with what you're saying and the thought behind it.  


    Now will you just please start using you brights like the rest of us also.  :D


    PS - Should I just be swerving around all the time since that also helps?

  14. I have one I bought for $200 new and I'd sell it for say....$375 because I always sell everything for more than what it's really worth and I have to make some money to buy the Xbox 2 when it comes out.




    I had to do it before someone else did.  LOL!  I still <3 you my big Mexican buddy!

  15. We're not saying that doing it is the end all be all to providing a "sense of security" as you put it.  It doesn't give me any sense of security whatsoever, it's merely another means to add to my ability to be seen.  You cannot assure me of anything just because you believe it doesn't help and that doesn't give credence to it not doing anything at all.  And if people don't want to get blinded then don't look directly into someone's headlights.  Most people don't go around looking directly at the sun do they?  People can deal with it just like we all do.


    You can certainly stay convinced of your belief and not do all that you can to be seen.  I and many others will do a little more.


    Regardless, Tonik's last few words says it all even with our difference of opinion though...."do everything you can to stay alive."   :cheers:



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