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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. If the jumper mod isn't needed then it could be removed? I'm just going off the mods done is all. I had a similar issue with the secondary butterflies on my gixxer. TPS was not hooked up and thusly not actually closing causing the motor to bog down. They would cycle open and not close at all. Worth a look to see if they're working properly.
  2. I'd be happy to roll out and help you wrench as long as you like. We will just need a cooler/fridge to stock beer in and a nice stupid hot bonfire afterwards.
  3. Hey hemorrhoid lips! You're not going to win any e-friends with posts like that.
  4. Did you check the jumper for the mod? Also, was or is there an FI light on?
  5. Brian, I have a sundial I can sell you for less than $15. Sorry to thread jack you Mike.
  6. Steve and I considered fixing that stupid kickstand when we picked it up but then we saw that it had been welded and re-welded back on like a dozen times so it stayed like it is.
  7. Too bad that's not him on his bike, that's Wrobel.
  8. Now you catching on old timer! Craig or someone said that they saw or heard of someone who's case actually came open and the camera fell out. That's an easy fix with by using a reusable zip tie around the entire body of the case, IMO. Or you could tape or put a piece of safety wire around the case also. But I agree, you'll eventually get screwed one way or another with these. I'll see if I can get back over to Steve's to get some pictures of it mounted up. I still think it could be better but my goal is to keep it cheap. Cheap enough in fact that as the bikes come through tech and they can't show that their cameras are tethered well enough, for a couple dollars we can give them a kit to do it. I'm not looking to make money just help curb what suddenly has become a problem for Todd and us riders.
  9. First, this is not perfect by any means and certainly has room for improvements which is partly why I posted this. The other is like I said, I'm a cheap ass and think $20 for what Go Pro sells is too much. Yes, they do it to make money but not from me for something like this. Good idea until you have a failure and because you've tethered it to the triple your camera is now wedged down between the frame and the fork leg and you can't turn. I'd like to keep it on top of the bike if possible but yes, that is a place you could tether it to. There aren't always a nice close place to attach the leader to sometime so being able to just stick a small base where you want it is nice. And I don't have to worry about a taking a fastener off to attach it and then worry about it coming loose because I've wrapped a wire around it. Brian, first thanks for your input. The great thing with using fishing leaders is they come in a wide variety of lengths as you see in the images. If you wanted to use a shorter one, then go ahead and use a 6" leader instead of a 12" one. These are rate at 20 and 30lbs. test so I doubt they will fail easily. Again, I'm taking a 12" leader and looping it on the door hinge just like you are Brian so in the end it's only really 6" long to the camera. I honestly think my only problem could be with the bases I've found but the do seem strong. Do you need to see it on the bike as I envision it working? Thanks again to everyone for their questions and input.
  10. Like anyone thought you wouldn't be down there sniffing the crotches of drunk vulnerable men.
  11. Thanks Hob! I'm still trying to find the bases that Go Pro sells in their kits or something very similar. I have another idea for a different base mount if I can find them.
  12. ***I posted this on the MS site also*** I have come up with a different solution since I don't want to fork over $20+ for something I can make for less. So here goes: 1 x Assorted package of heavy duty fishing leaders 1 x Mounting bases Select the leader length you would like to use and remove the clasp end from it, then attach the swivel end to a safety pin Slide the end which used to have the clasp on it through the opening of the hinge on your GoPro Attach a mounting base near your GoPro mount and then take the open looped end of the leader put it onto the safety pin and then put the safety pin through a set of holes on the mounting base I'm going to test how much force it takes to pull these base mounts off since they use some "normal" adhesive tape, but after putting one on and and try to pry on it I believe it should hold the camera just fine. That's it, pretty straight forward and I only have about $5 invested (less the cost of a safety pin but I have lots of extras of those anyway). Just an idea for anyone looking to save their money for track time, tires, etc. like me.
  13. Matt, if you want an hand with anything trying to get the bike figured out just let me know. I'd be happy to run out and lend a hand troubleshooting. Jeff, your ass will be at PIRC. And we know finally know Keith Stone's middle name... Jinx. Take any bike...any...and he'll find a way to break it. Hey! You didn't let Keith touch your bike did you Matt!?!?
  14. I'm glad I don't ride a kawi. Man what a pain in the ass those things are.
  15. I'll run the 3 hours on it with you as long as you don't expect us to win the thing.
  16. No one wants to ride it for some reason. Someone might as well get some seat time with it.
  17. qft! At least it's not the track bike....so there's still hope I'll see him on two wheels this month.
  18. Well, I'm up for some stupid reason early this morning. Thanks to Mike and Jinu for the tows, pointers and feedback. A big thanks to Rob for being my rabbit, you fast fucker. I was able to best myself each session out in the morning and it was a great day for me personally. I had no intention of looking to get into the teens at all but after a session following Rob I went from :24's to 21's and finally a :19! I had no idea that Nick was going to show up yesterday either. Oh, wait...that was Craig. In all, the weather held out perfectly track was grippy and bumpy as usual. I can't wait to see if the Asian Persuasion is right about being quick at Nelsons making you quicker at other places. Props to my boy Steve for doing his thing.
  19. I heard that tricycles are pretty damn easy to balance and I think the seat might have alot to do with it.
  20. WTF!!! This means there will be no Hoblick at Beaverun AND I won't be able to get my bike washed!!! I haz sadz now.
  21. oh hell....I'm curious if it works as well as my Hero2. PM pricing on one and accessories if it's not too much trouble.
  22. I'd also like to know if the wifi can be turned off also.
  23. I could find little information about battery life or if it's even replaceable. About 1.5-2 hours was all I found which isn't very long but I think it's size is driving the low life.
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