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Posts posted by JohnG

  1. Tried it here once, but that was a long time ago. We had heard the stories, No closed season, no limit, no firearm restrictions... Grandma Faye's Grocery used to have a bunch of hero pics of hogs killed locally. Reports are apparently exaggerated. We spent a day and didn't see any sign at all.

    In contrast, I went on a hog hunt in '04 in south central Texas... You could tell where the hogs had been. The ground looked like someone went crazy with a rototiller. We had a riot. Would have killed a lot more but we were using archery gear and mostly spot and stalking.

  2. Went on my first ever group ride today. Out east on 256 to 555 and 669 and I think 37? Not sure since I was just following and working the viffer to keep it on the asphalt. Never done anything like this before - always been a loner and a commuter. Was nice to have bikes in front and in the mirrors, too. Thanks to Hoblick for putting this together and Baccus for calling me this morning to make sure I went.

    Don't know the logins of the other three riders in our group, but I think we all had a good time. No mishaps and the only moment was when one of us thought they lost something off their bike and they stopped. Me and Hoblick were out front and had to double back to see what happened. Fortunately, everyone was OK.

    Nice to meet Ryan's better half too, by the way. Ryan, I think she might be a keeper there man. ;)

    Thanks again to all for making this a real treat of a day for me! Can't way to do it again!


  3. Homestyle chicken go wrap is about the only thing I eat at Wendy's anymore... And I agree about the location in downtown Gahanna. Right across from creekside. Nice service.

  4. I've noticed... I just figure they're in a hurry to stop so they can get back to texting...

    On a side note about the sensors in the road, I stopped at a light the other day that didn't sense my bike. The car behind stopped two car lengths back, also not tripping the sensor. I had to turn around and waive them up to me pointing at the sensor in the road so the light would change. Good thing I've got a smoke visor so they couldn't see me mouthing "move the fuck up, dumb ass"

  5. I have shot a bow in the past, but my experience is limited to 8th grade gym :p

    I would like to pick up an inexpensive 50# recurve and just mess around in my yard. My wife's boss is into compound bows, so she offered to find me something. I'm finding her a bike (her boyfriend rides, but his shadow is like 1300cc or something, and she's afraid of it)

    For anyone interested in recurves and longbows, or seeing a few vendors for arrow and hunting supplies, I would highly recommend a trip to Jackson, Ohio over the Labor Day Weekend. The Ohio Society of Traditional Archers (OSTA) holds the end of year State Shoot on this weekend and it's a great time. Plenty of folks selling bows, vendors, free camping, good food, two thirty target 3D courses, and commanderie in a family friendly environment.


  6. If you searched my house you'd find "survivalist gear" and I did some time in the military... And, if I were that intent on seeing this movie and felt that concerned that someone would try a repeat of Colorado, I would position myself where I had the best tactical advantage over the perpetrator and be defensively armed. His choice of seats seems to be the closest to the quickest exit/escape if the SHTF.

    Innocent until proven guilty.

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