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Everything posted by exSRAaron

  1. Haha alright cool. Well i'll get everything packed up n ready to go tonite. Hmm how about 830 845ish? That way we can still get up there around 12? OH, and i picked up a laptimer biotch, so im good to go now :D

  2. yoz, so whats the plan for friday man? You wanna share a tent, or u want me to bring my own?..not sure how many ladies you were plannin' on having for the Beav sleepover :D

  3. I take it back, Alex is a decent guy, not a good guy!!
  4. Move to a different bike?? weak Alex, weak. Good luck with the sale and bump for a good guy!! You're coming out to Beav this weekend right?? Aaron
  5. I thought it was pretty cool too. definitely worth seeing.
  6. Ultra XT lap timer, i wouldnt worry about getting a beacon tho. I would say having a general idea of what times you are doing is very useful, you can figure out where u can pick up some time using split timing, and track ur progression through the season, etc. Even tho the times might not be 100% accurate, I still think theyre beneficial. But if you dont have the correct gear yet, then I'd hold off on the non-necessary stuff. Why would Lizard have one is a better question......
  7. the EBC HH pads I tried on my 600RR were the same as the stock pads..no better. versah, etc is the way to go.
  8. welcome aboard! that pic looks fimiliar...600rr.net or WERA maybe?! Aaron
  9. I've mounted mine on my tank, tail, and subframe pointing backwards. Also looks pretty cool mounted on the upper and helmet.
  10. Yeah IP does have pretty competitive tire prices! Did you try STG or CS?
  11. I heard its awesome..plan on seein' it in t-1 hour.
  12. great bikes...its a honda Some have electrical issues, but other than that they're very reliable. Pretty damn comfy and smooth IMO.
  13. Ben, can you reply to my pm please
  14. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with any of the roundabouts I've been through, I can EASILY figure out how traffic is suppose to flow through them too. But when you add a bunch of fucktards and punk ass kids driving their mustands, you get problems. I was nearly ran off the edge of the one on hayden rd by a clueless kid; one week later I was taken out by a SUV in the same roundabout
  15. thanks guys I must have missed the "advanced" part Now, post up the rest of the vids/pics.
  16. Good job keepin it up. Get the other vids posted Vid looks great btw! you must have done a good job mounting it, very lil vibrations. Is that the pace of intermediate? what kind of laptimes did you have?
  17. 600RR ftw I'm a little baised tho
  18. exSRAaron

    GI Joe

    Action was somewhat decent, but overall I was seriously disappointed. Acting was pretty horrible...
  19. I thought the main group of individuals effected by the swine flu were 18-30 yrs old, eh? I love this forum
  20. ^so true! Welcome aboard! Nice STi, and you shouldnt have sold the CB mang!!
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