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Everything posted by exSRAaron

  1. I normally take it with me, I dont like strappin' a $600 helmet to the rear seat. But im pretty crazyy.
  2. Sounds good man, if ur too tired its no biggie either.

  3. How about friday morning man? Weather looks like its gonna be nice.

  4. Well Congrats! You obv. have too much money I'z jealous.
  5. .......did u actually buy it or just planning on it? I saw this posted on WERA a few days ago.....
  6. Nice pics E! We need some action shots tho
  7. damn schumacher is out of F1 now too..
  8. Good stuff!! OR calendar entry fo sho!
  9. Yeah!! I dont remember which channel, but I definitely saw it sometime yesterday...couldnt believe it!
  10. +1 for the radio idea. Good to hear you guys raised so such money!
  11. no shit! I just saw the commerical for that, couldnt believe it.
  12. exSRAaron

    Rt 22 today!

    have fun, that's a helluva fun route!
  13. damn man sorry to hear you went down But at least its only minor damage to both of you ladies!
  14. I thought they were very similiar to OEM pads..cost is about the same I think? Cant remember tho.
  15. Not likely to happen either...
  16. I'm surprised u got the CS's off the tire, when i rode my dads VROD I couldnt even get over before it started draggin pegs..bummer
  17. hellz yah! You mind if I change the oil in the deisel before we go down there? :D

  18. rip...for the record, if I ever see one you guys go down and the driver flees the scene, I'm gonna hunt em down myself
  19. Doing just the front is a cheap alternative ($20) to getting a new chain and rear sprocket. Most of the time you can get a front sprocket on without replacing the chain. Personally, I think going down one upfront is perfect for most 600's, "wakes" it up a bit, and doesnt effect ur topend/highway speeds too badly. Drawback tho, is it does effect ur speedo and odm.
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