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Everything posted by exSRAaron

  1. I think I'm gonna try and join also. it's a little early, but I wanted to go this year but didnt have have the chance. Aaron
  2. Huh? Oh, now it makes sense... Go Cavs!! Off to a sloww start, but we'll get there.
  3. Seems pretty decent, but make sure its battery life is good, my Sony only lasts for 2 1/2 hours and it blows!
  4. you know how I know ur ghey Alex, you didnt show up for the last race of the season! But seriously, that 650 is schweet!!
  5. Any idea of price range? I may know of a 14' Tantem thats available..
  6. Ah it was a great game but they had so many chances for it to go the other way.
  7. Had at least THREE chances to beat Bama and still couldnt..WOW! Great game tho. That is all.
  8. Add one more boner to that list.
  9. you might wanna check out craigslist too?
  10. Really the only downside to the league is the price. $725 per team. But divide that by 8-12 players and it comes out to about $60-$90 per player. Or if anyone knows of a company willing to help us out with sponsorship we might be able to cut that in even lower. Aaron
  11. Heck ya man!! Anyone and all are welcome to play! And that Alumni game sounds awesome.
  12. And burn calories you will Kevin! It's a great work out at the very least! Looks like Sunday's will be the best choice. All games are played after 6pm too which normally gives you time to get ur other stuff done during the day!.
  13. Yeah I thought so too, but these guys play pretty darn intensely. I vote for Sunday Nights too. It shouldnt be a problem if people missed a few games here or there, I'm sure we could fill the spots!
  14. A few friends of mine play at sportsohio and its a blast. They have an Indoor League starting up in November and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in starting up a team? Maybe represent OR?! They normally play on Sunday or Monday nights depending on what division you play in. What ya think, eh? Aaron
  15. Awesome! One of my favorite everyday cars!
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