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Everything posted by 1fast5gp

  1. They have them at the sawmill/bethal road super walmart. They have around 3000 rounds. I just picked up 500rds, I was going to buy them all but I decided to save some you guys.
  2. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6369121.html LOL the fuckers vowed revenge. I'd say bring it on, i hope the US just start Droping bombs on their villages and hideouts
  3. Mine would be HK 762 http://www.hk-usa.com/images/products/mr762/general/mr762_lg_3.jpg Mossberg 500 tactical http://www.davesguns.com/serverpics/FirearmsPage/Mossberg-500-Tactical-01.jpg HK45 http://www.tgscom.com/images/sharedimages/hk45/HK45.JPG
  4. That show was horrible. And the police department that was involved with the show is a disgrace.
  5. Start calling, prank calls at night randomly from random people for a start.
  6. Take to small claims, it will only cost you 65 dollars if you lose. Ususally a unreasonable contract will not hold up in court, even if you signed them. If you want to consult a lawyer, there are free programs that are ran by the government that can help!
  7. +1 $2500 in cash is a lot of money to not read the contract that you are signing.
  8. Seriously. I remember when those cheap brass cased 5.56/.223 was only 150-200 for 1K about 2 years ago. BTW, 385 for 1k of .223 Privi 62 grain at wideners http://wideners.com/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=8451&dir=18|830|845
  9. They should, I was there to pick up my LMT CQB MRP Piston 16 and ended picking up two lowers as well. And btw they have 2 more LMT CQB MRP Piston carbines. They are almost impossible to find.
  10. yeah, especially right now. Used ones are almost a much as new ones.
  11. Vances has a bunch of them as of lunch time! Go get them.
  12. 1fast5gp

    YHM Lowers!

    Vances have Yankee Hill Machine stripped lowers for sale for 129.99. Just bought 2 of them.
  13. more pics? Do you have a listing for the house somewhere?
  14. Vances has American Eagle XM193 for 44.99 for 100 rounds. About the same price as copes. But if you guys are willing to shoot reloaded brass, check this place out. It is pretty cheap for 556 brass. http://www.anderson-arms.com has them for around .32 a round.
  15. 1fast5gp

    Price Check

    put it up on ar15.com It would prolly go for 350-400. But just fyi, around here because vances sells them for 279.99 plus tax.
  16. I have 4 235/45/17 daytona HR tires for sale. They are brand new all season tires, never been mounted. I am looking for 225/45/17 tires instead. Selling for $260! Pics http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b128/1fast5gp/P4020244.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b128/1fast5gp/P4020245.jpg
  17. Still waiting on a AIMPOINT 3x Magnifier. Then you will see
  18. I alright bought it and I love it. Thanks again Greg!
  19. Vance has complete RRAs for 289.99 plus tax. Most people are going stock up on lowers to resale them when they get banned (which won't happened) are just going to have to sit on the lowers when the hype comes down.
  20. http://www.nrahq.org/nrabonus/ For those who are not members, you can get a free years of membership. The 3 year and 4 year rates are pretty good. $500 for life time.
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